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Last active January 17, 2024 18:27
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Save raveren/ab475336cc69879a378b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Open current wallpaper in windows8
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' change to TranscodedImageCache_001 for second monitor and so on
openWallpaper("HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\TranscodedImageCache_000")
function openWallpaper(regKey)
arr = Shell.RegRead(regKey)
fullPath = ""
consequtiveZeroes = 0
For I = 24 To Ubound(arr)
if consequtiveZeroes > 1 then
exit for
end if
a(I) = Cint(arr(I))
if a(I) > 1 then
fullPath = fullPath & Chr(a(I))
consequtiveZeroes = 0
consequtiveZeroes = consequtiveZeroes + 1
end if
Next Chr(34) & fullPath & Chr(34)
end function
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Can't seem to make it work on my Win 8.1 ... I'm on a single Monitor setup.. I tried to remove the _000 too but still not working..

Would you mind contacting me to figure out the culprit ?

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This is great.
The only change I had to make was to add quotes around the final path in case it has spaces: Chr(34) & fullPath & Chr(34)

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kakhak commented Oct 12, 2016

Thanks, works great on Win10 with replacing latest final path as TimSirmovics suggested.

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raveren commented Nov 5, 2020

Added TimSirmovics' suggestion :)

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fedsumk commented Jan 12, 2022

Привет подскажите скрипт не работает без паузы Chr(34) & fullPath & Chr(34)
end function
и ошибка строка 28 сим2

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fedsumk commented Jan 12, 2022

Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' change to TranscodedImageCache_001 for second monitor and so on
openWallpaper("HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\TranscodedImageCache_001")

function openWallpaper(regKey)
arr = Shell.RegRead(regKey)
fullPath = ""
consequtiveZeroes = 0

For I = 24 To Ubound(arr)
if consequtiveZeroes > 1 then
exit for
end if

a(I) = Cint(arr(I))

if a(I) > 1 then
  fullPath = fullPath & Chr(a(I))
  consequtiveZeroes = 0
  consequtiveZeroes = consequtiveZeroes + 1
end if

Next Chr(34) & fullPath & Chr(34)

end function
так работает но ошибка и ошибка строка 28 сим2

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raveren commented Jan 12, 2022

privet, @fedsumk I don't use the vbs solution anymore, and implemented this in Autohotkey:

however it only supports two monitors side by side.

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This does not support files with unicode in their path (or at least their file name) and I was unable to modify it to support it as I couldn't find a way to convert it to unicode (I saw someone say VBS doesn't support unicode). So I made my own script to do the same thing in PowerShell.

$regKey = $Args[0]
$regEntry = Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Control Panel\Desktop" -Name $regKey
$filePathBytes = $regEntry.$regKey
$decodedFilePathDirty = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($filePathBytes)
$decodedFilePath = $decodedFilePathDirty.Substring(12)
$decodedFilePath = $decodedFilePath.Substring(0, $decodedFilePath.IndexOf('\\?'))
start $decodedFilePath

And I have a batch file for each monitor to execute it with a different parameter.

powershell.exe -command "& '.\CurrentDesktopWallpaper.ps1' TranscodedImageCache_000"

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Please fix line #27:

Change: Chr(34) & fullPath & Chr(34)

To: Chr(34) & fullPath & Chr(34)

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raveren commented Aug 1, 2022

I'm sorry I am not supporting it anymore, please fork it!

And it's irresponsible of me to just add untested code - I know this current version worked for me some time ago...

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//I know this current version worked for me some time ago...//

No. It won't. "" is repeated, which throws the error 800A0401.

Please compare the current script with the older version of the script.


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raveren commented Aug 1, 2022

okay, makes sense, thank you!

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crius-al commented Oct 1, 2022

Please feel free to use my slightly different wallpaper script. This one opens the folder and highlights the image.

Const HKCU = &H80000001 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER

Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
            & ".\root\default:StdRegProv")

sKeyPath = "Control Panel\Desktop\"
sValueName = "TranscodedImageCache"
oReg.GetBinaryValue HKCU, sKeyPath, sValueName, sValue

sContents = ""

For i = 24 To UBound(sValue)
  if sValue(i) = 0 and sValue(i+1) = 0 then exit for
  sByte = sValue(i)+sValue(i+1)*256
  sContents = sContents & ChrW(sByte)
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "explorer.exe /select, """ & sContents & """"

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Please feel free to use my slightly different wallpaper script. This one opens the folder and highlights the image.

What are the odds this was exactly what i was looking for and you just posted it 19 days ago?

Thank you!

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Please feel free to use my slightly different wallpaper script. This one opens the folder and highlights the image.

What are the odds this was exactly what i was looking for and you just posted it 19 days ago?

Thank you!

The odds are 100%. :)

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raveren commented Jan 17, 2024

Same line of thought reused in this Autohotkey script:

look for WIN+W

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