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title: Pink() Notes For 2012-08-02: Breakpoint
created_at: 2012-08-02 23:22:52 UTC
- Fluid Layouts
- Floats
- Media Queries
- Internet Explorer
- something else was mentioned here...
- Additional Markup
- Grid Complexity
- Many Different Resolutions
- Teams
- fluid and fixed
- fluid at low resolutions
- snaps into one or more fixed layouts at higher resolutions
- columns
- once you go fixed, columns remain the same size
- frameless grid - more screen equals more columns, but columns stay the same width
- mobile first
- start designing for low resolution devices first, then work up
- uses inline-block to work magic
- griddle
- everything works nicer (than using float)
- classes
- non-semantic class names suck (.col-6 et cetera)
- only three class names for grids (wrapper, grid, grid-cell)
- stays out of your way
- doesn't limit design, tries to get out of the way
- tries to not make every site built with it look the same
- internet explorer
- non-javascript fallback
- media query management
- breakpoint calculates and writes all media queries for you
- play nice with javascript
- hooks for javascript to tell javascript which layout is active for responsive images
- .wrapper
- snaps into fixed width layouts
- centers itself on page
- .grid
- 100% fluid inside .wrapper
- uses negative letter-spacing to remove extra space between .grid-cell
- .grid-cell
- must be only child of .grid (to compensate for negative letter-spacing)
- .responsive-image
- %img.responsive-image{:src => 'data-uri for 1x1 transparent gif', :data-mobile => '', :data-desktop => ''}
- use %noscript for non-javascript fallback
- use 1x1 transparent gif as initial source; data-uri may work to prevent additional requests
// _setup.sass
// internet explorer gets the nine column layout
//$ie-support: 9
// _structure.sass
@include breakpoint(6)
// $label sets font-family on %head (used for responsive image feature)
@include breakpoint(9, $label: desktop)
// percentage based width
width: fluid(6)
// em based width
//width: fixed(6)
width: fluid(3)
width: fluid(3)