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Created December 27, 2018 17:03
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Simple CLI commands for Amazon S3 and GCP Cloud Storage

For the following commands to work, you need to have AWS CLI and gstuil installed. For gsutil, you can use the GCP cloud shell. For AWS CLI , you can provision an Aaazon Linux EC2 insances which comes with the S3 CLI Installed.

List buckets in AWS S3

aws s3 ls

List buckets in GCP Cloud Storage

gsutil ls

Make a new Bucket in S3

aws s3 mb s3://new-bucket-mdev

Make a new Bucket in GCP

gsutil mb gs://new-bucket-mdev

Copy local file to a bucket in AWS S3

aws s3 cp file.txt s3://new-bucket-mdev

Copy local file to a bucket in GCP Cloud Storage

gsutil cp file.txt gs://new-bucket-mdev
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