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Last active December 19, 2023 04:22
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URL polyfill for nativescript
// polyfill URL since that seems to not be done for nativescript
import { path } from "@nativescript/core";
import 'url-search-params-polyfill';
if (!global.URL) {
class URL {
constructor(sUrl, base) {
if (base) parse(this, base);
parse(this, sUrl);
toString() {
let p = this.protocol, h = "";
if (p) h = `${this.protocol}//${getAuth(this)}${}`;
return `${h}${this.pathname}${}${this.hash}`;
get href() {
return this.toString();
set href(value) {
parse(this, value);
get origin() {
return `${this.protocol}//${}`;
set origin(v) {}
get host() {
let { protocol, hostname, port } = this, h = hostname;
if (port && (!protocol || port != dp[protocol])) h += `:${port}`;
return h;
set host(value) {
let m = value.match(/^([^:]*)(:\d+)?$/);
this.hostname = m[1] || "";
this.port = m[2] ? m[2].substr(1) : "";
get search() {
let s = `${this.searchParams}`;
return s && `?${s}`;
set search(value) {
this.searchParams = new URLSearchParams(value);
URL.prototype.protocol = "";
URL.prototype.username = "";
URL.prototype.password = ""; = "";
URL.prototype.port = "";
URL.prototype.pathname = "";
URL.prototype.hash = "";
const dp = URL.defaultProtocols = {
"http:": 80,
"https:": 443,
const rxUrl = /^(?:([\w-]+:)\/\/)?([^/]*)(\/[^?#]*)?(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?$/;
function parse(url, str) {
let parts = str.match(rxUrl);
let [ _all, prot, hostAuth, pathname = "", search = "", hash = ""] = parts;
if (prot) url.protocol = prot;
if (hostAuth) setHostAuth(url, hostAuth);
if (pathname && pathname[0] != '/') {
let pn = url.pathname;
if (pn && !pn.endsWith('/')) {
let i = pn.lastIndexOf('/');
pn = (i >= 0) ? pn.substr(0, i+1) : "";
pathname = pn + pathname;
url.pathname = path.normalize(pathname || ""); = search;
url.hash = hash;
function getAuth(url) {
var { username, password } = url, a = username || "";
if (username) {
if (password) a += `:${password}`;
a += '@';
return a;
function setHostAuth(url, hostAuth) {
let i = hostAuth.indexOf('@'), creds = "";
if (i > 0) {
creds = hostAuth.substr(0, i);
hostAuth = hostAuth.substr(i+1);
} = hostAuth;
creds = creds.split(':');
url.username = creds[0];
url.password = creds[1] || "";
global.URL = URL;
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cloudhx commented Apr 20, 2023

Thanks for sharing this!

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This is super helpful 🤗 For those wondering how to use this in, for example, an Angular app, you can do the following:

  1. Create src/polyfills-custom.ts and copy/paste above into it.
  2. npm install url-search-params-polyfill -D
  3. Now import it into the src/polyfills.ts like this:
 * NativeScript Polyfills

// Install @nativescript/core polyfills (XHR, setTimeout, requestAnimationFrame)
import '@nativescript/core/globals';

import '@valor/nativescript-websockets';
// Install @nativescript/angular specific polyfills
import '@nativescript/angular/polyfills';

import './polyfills-custom';

 * Zone.js and patches
// Add pre-zone.js patches needed for the NativeScript platform
import '@nativescript/zone-js/dist/pre-zone-polyfills';

// Zone JS is required by default for Angular itself
import 'zone.js';

// Add NativeScript specific Zone JS patches
import '@nativescript/zone-js';

Noting that Url and UrlSearchParams will become optional automatic polyfills that a user can choose to polyfill likely through nativescript.config in the future. Reason being is that they can provide extra weight to bundle that when not used may be wasteful so the working group is aiming to allow easy automatic polyfiling of the most popular optionals via config option in future.

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