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Last active February 17, 2021 12:54
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Tampermonkey jira priority
// ==UserScript==
// @name Visualize issue ranks in the Jira Agile board
// @namespace
// @version
// @description It will search for the ranks using an Ajax Jira API call with two seconds in between
// and update the board with colored rank indicators.
// @author Ray Burgemeetre
// @match https://*/secure/RapidBoard.jspa*
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
// Configuration
var // The JQL for fetching the ranks
jql = "sprint in openSprints() and status != 'Done' AND type not in (Sub-task) order by Rank",
// First four colors are shades of green.. (after that, stuff fades from grey to red)
colors = [green(0), green(1), green(2), green(3)];
// Just for my convenience
if (window.location.href.match(/brightcomputing/)) {
jql = "sprint in openSprints() and status not in ('Done', 'Resolved', 'Closed') AND type not in (Sub-task) AND project in ('Cluster Manager', 'Master Installer', 'Miscellaneous') AND labels in (bigdata,hadoop, spark) order by Rank"
function updateRanksInBoard()
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState != XMLHttpRequest.DONE)
if (xmlhttp.status == 200) {
var ranks = {}, issues = document.querySelectorAll('.ghx-issue'), isSubTask,
key, color, rankBoxEl, rankEl, tmp;
// console.log(xmlhttp.responseText);
var response = JSON.parse(xmlhttp.responseText);
// Create lookup for ranks per issue key
for (var i in response['issues']) {
ranks[response['issues'][i]['key']] = parseInt(i) + 1;
// Visualize them in a small box for each issue
for (var i=0; i<issues.length; i++) {
key = issues[i].getAttribute('data-issue-key');
isSubTask = issues[i].className.indexOf('ghx-issue-subtask') !== -1;
color = false;
// Visualize subtasks with the ranking of their parent
if (isSubTask) {
key = issues[i].parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute('data-issue-key');
color = '#E8F5FF';
if (!ranks[key])
if (!color) {
tmp = Object.keys(response['issues']).length;
color = colors[ranks[key] - 1] || red(ranks[key] - colors.length - 1, tmp);
try {
// Ensure the "ghx-end" div exists, simply create it if it doesn't.
// (if issues have no estimates etc., this div isn't rendered)
if (!(tmp = issues[i].querySelector('.ghx-end'))) {
tmp = document.createElement('div');
tmp.className = 'ghx-end';
// Create rank cornered indicator if it doesn't exist yet
rankEl = issues[i].querySelector('.ghx-end .my-rank');
if (!rankEl) {
rankBoxEl = document.createElement('div');
rankBoxEl.className = 'ghx-corner';
rankEl = document.createElement('span');
rankEl.className = 'aui-badge my-rank';
// Populate indicator = color;
rankEl.innerHTML = ranks[key];
// Squeeze them to fit
tmp = issues[i].querySelector('.ghx-end').querySelectorAll('.ghx-corner');
for (var j=0; j<tmp.length; j++) {
tmp[j].style.float = 'left';
catch (e) {
console.log('DOM manipulation failed, ignoring exception (probably variant of Jira Board): ', e);
// Periodically update ranks
setTimeout(updateRanksInBoard, 2000);
else {
console.log(textStatus + " : " + errorThrown);
// Periodically update ranks
setTimeout(updateRanksInBoard, 2000);
}"GET", "//" + + "/rest/api/latest/search?jql=" + escape(jql), true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
//window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', updateRanksInBoard, false);
setTimeout(updateRanksInBoard, 3000); // somehow Jira messes up window.onload, and some other alternatives I tried...
// Utility functions
function green(level)
// Starts at rgb(0, 255, 0) and fades to rgb(255, 255, 255)
function divideTimes(num, divide, times)
if (!times)
return num;
if (!times)
return num / divide;
return divideTimes(num / divide, divide, times);
var c = Math.floor(255.0 - divideTimes(255, 2, level));
return 'rgb(' + c + ', 255, ' + c + ')';
function red(level, maxlevel)
// Starts at rgb(237, 237, 237) and fades to rgb(255, 0, 0)
try {
var r = (((255 - 237) / maxlevel) * level) + 237,
g = 237 - (( 237 / maxlevel) * level),
b = 237 - (( 237 / maxlevel) * level);
return 'rgb(' + Math.floor(r) + ', ' + Math.floor(g) + ', ' + Math.floor(b) + ')';
catch (e) { return 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'; }
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Hey Ray! I had to add a line to import jquery, because this script broke over here at AT. If you feel like updating it, add the following at ln 12:

// @require

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FYI ->Actually, this fix apparently doesn't work in FF with grease monkey. I'll update you with further changes if I can find them.

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Hi Kat, Thanks! I've refactored out the $.ajax() call, hopefully that will work better. Thanks :)

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I also made it a little more generic/robust hopefully (and project independant, hope it still works for AutoTrack?) updating should be possible via Tampermonkey itself. I needed a few changes to get it to work on another Jira 😄

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