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Created April 18, 2010 16:12
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!!! Strict
%html(lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="")
%title Page Title
%meta(http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8")
= stylesheet_link_tag :all
= javascript_include_tag :all
= csrf_meta_tag
%style{ :type => "text/css" }
!lc_width = 200px
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min-width = !min_width
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padding-right = !rc_width
position: relative
float: left
width: 100%
width = !lc_width
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margin-left: -100%
width = !rc_width
margin-right = -!rc_width
clear: both
/*** IE6 Fix ***/
* html #left
left = !rc_width
= yield
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