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Last active July 20, 2023 05:37
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import { createCipheriv, createDecipheriv, randomBytes, createHash } from 'node:crypto';
type Preprocessor = (input: string) => string;
type Transformer = (input: string) => string;
class EncryptionError extends Error {
constructor(message: string) {
super(message); = 'EncryptionError';
class Encryption {
private key: Buffer;
private iv: Buffer;
constructor(private secret: string) {
if (!secret) throw new EncryptionError('Encryption secret not provided.');
this.key = this.generateKey();
this.iv = this.generateIV();
private generateIV(): Buffer {
const hash = createHash('sha256');
return hash.digest().slice(0, 16);
private generateKey(): Buffer {
const hash = createHash('sha256');
return hash.digest();
public encrypt(text: string, preprocessors: Preprocessor[] = []): string {
const processedText = preprocessors.reduce((result, preprocessor) => preprocessor(result), text);
const cipher = createCipheriv('aes-256-cbc', this.key, this.iv);
let encrypted = cipher.update(processedText, 'utf8', 'hex');
encrypted +='hex');
return encrypted;
public decrypt(encryptedText: string, transformers: Transformer[] = []): string {
const decipher = createDecipheriv('aes-256-cbc', this.key, this.iv);
let decrypted = decipher.update(encryptedText, 'hex', 'utf8');
decrypted +='utf8');
return transformers.reduceRight((result, transformer) => transformer(result), decrypted);
export default Encryption;
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