但只用純 Python 的 generator 沒辦法為 Python 的所有功能實作 async variant,因為這會有雞生蛋生雞問題。最簡單的矛盾:如果你只用 generator 實作 async API,那要怎麼實作 async 的 generator?
import asyncio
import time
def async_generator():
def count_down(i, c):
print('log from {}th async function with countdown {} and timestamp {}'.format(i, c, time.time()))
if c == 0: return
yield from asyncio.sleep(0.5)
yield from count_down(i, c - 1)
i = 1
while i <= 5:
yield count_down(i, i)
i += 1
def run_all(asyncGen):
for a in asyncGen:
yield from a
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
log from 1th async function with countdown 1 and timestamp 1494816543.0441651
log from 1th async function with countdown 0 and timestamp 1494816543.549279
log from 2th async function with countdown 2 and timestamp 1494816543.549315
log from 2th async function with countdown 1 and timestamp 1494816544.054571
log from 2th async function with countdown 0 and timestamp 1494816544.5569139
log from 3th async function with countdown 3 and timestamp 1494816544.5569532
log from 3th async function with countdown 2 and timestamp 1494816545.060334
log from 3th async function with countdown 1 and timestamp 1494816545.564309
log from 3th async function with countdown 0 and timestamp 1494816546.0687401
log from 4th async function with countdown 4 and timestamp 1494816546.0687969
log from 4th async function with countdown 3 and timestamp 1494816546.573986
log from 4th async function with countdown 2 and timestamp 1494816547.075812
log from 4th async function with countdown 1 and timestamp 1494816547.581194
log from 4th async function with countdown 0 and timestamp 1494816548.086391
log from 5th async function with countdown 5 and timestamp 1494816548.086432
log from 5th async function with countdown 4 and timestamp 1494816548.5881221
log from 5th async function with countdown 3 and timestamp 1494816549.08834
log from 5th async function with countdown 2 and timestamp 1494816549.5930529
log from 5th async function with countdown 1 and timestamp 1494816550.0984662
log from 5th async function with countdown 0 and timestamp 1494816550.603544
根本裝 python3 的時間都比寫這個長