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Created March 17, 2010 22:17
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$channelID = 2;
$startInDays = 4;
$scheduleForDays = 7;
$monthsToLookBack = 3;
//End Setup
$programming = array();
$schedule = array();
//End Varaibles
$client = new nusoap_client("", 'wsdl');
class ScheduleEvent
// property declaration
var $start, $end;
function TestObj($name)
$this->start = $start;
static function cmp_obj($a, $b)
$a1 = $a->start;
$b1 = $b->start;
if ($a1 == $b1)
return 0;
return ($a1 > $b1) ? +1 : -1;
function isSomethingScheduled($time, $schedule)
$return = false;
foreach($schedule as $s)
if ($time == $s->start)
$return = true;
if($time > $s->start && $time < $s->end)
$return = true;
return $return;
function maxProgramLength($time, $schedule, $endDay)
usort($schedule, array("ScheduleEvent", "cmp_obj"));
$endTime = NULL;
foreach($schedule as $s)
if($s->start > $time && $s->start < $endDay)
$endTime = $s->start;
if ($endTime == NULL)
$endTime = $endDay;
return $endTime - $time;
function randomShow($maxLength, $programming)
$tmpArray = array();
foreach($programming as $p)
if ($p["TotalSeconds"] < $maxLength)
$tmpArray[] = $p;
return $tmpArray[array_rand($tmpArray, 1)];
//Load Shows
$shows = $client->call('AdvancedShowSearch', array(
'ChannelID' => $channelID,
'searchString' => "",
'eventDate' => date("Y-m-d",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-$monthsToLookBack, date("d"), date("Y"))),
'dateComparator' => '>',
'restrictToCategoryID' => 0,
'restrictToProducerID' => 0,
'restrictToProjectID' => 0,
'displayStreamingShowsOnly' => 'false',
'searchOtherSites' => 'true'), '', '', false, true);
foreach ($shows["AdvancedShowSearchResult"]["SiteSearchResult"]["Shows"]["ShowInfo"] as $show) {
if($show['CustomFields']['CustomField'] != "")
foreach ($show["CustomFields"]["CustomField"] as $field)
if($field['Name'] == "AutoSchedule" && $field['Value'] == 'x')
$programming[] = array(
"showID" => $show["ShowID"],
"length" => $show["TotalSeconds"]
$CCschedule = $client->call('GetCGExemptScheduleInformation', array('ChannelID' => $channelID,
'FromDate' => date("Y-m-d",time() + (($startInDays) * 24 * 3600))."T12:00:00",
'ToDate' => date("Y-m-d",time() + (($scheduleForDays + $startInDays) * 24 * 3600))."T12:00:00",
'restrictToShowID' => 0), '', '', false, true);
foreach ($CCschedule["GetCGExemptScheduleInformationResult"]["ScheduleInfo"] as $run)
$tempEvent = new ScheduleEvent();
$tempEvent->start = strtotime($run["StartTime"]);
$tempEvent->end = strtotime($run["EndTime"]);
//echo $run["EndTime"]."\n";
$schedule[] = $tempEvent;
while($i < $scheduleForDays)
$dayStart = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time()+(3600 * 24 * ($i +$startInDays)))."T00:00:00");
$currentTime = $dayStart;
$dayEnd = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time()+(3600 * 24 * ($i + $startInDays)))."T23:59:59");
while($currentTime < $dayEnd)
if(!isSomethingScheduled($currentTime, $schedule))
$maxLength = maxProgramLength($currentTime, $schedule, $dayEnd);
$newShow = randomShow($maxLength, $programming);
echo "Scheduling ShowID: ".$newShow["showID"]. " at ".date("Y-m-d", $currentTime)." ".date("H:i:s", $currentTime)."\n";
$tempEvent = new ScheduleEvent();
$tempEvent->start = $currentTime;
$tempEvent->end = $currentTime + $newShow["length"];
$schedule[] = $tempEvent;
$result = $client->call('AddScheduleEvent', array(
'ChannelID' => $channelID,
'ShowID' => $newShow["showID"],
'RunDateTime' => date("Y-m-d", $currentTime)."T".date("H:i:s", $currentTime),
'CGExempt' => 'false',
'RunLock' => 'false',
'RunBump' => 0,
'BugText' => '',
'CrawlText' => '',
'CrawlLength' => 0,
'username' => "admin",
'password' => "password"), '', '', false, true);
$currentTime += 3600;
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