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Last active December 21, 2017 13:23
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Compute total solar irradiance at different latitudes on different days
/* solar.cpp: Calculates the solar energy received by places at different
* latitudes over the year. It is assumed that the earth revolves around the
* sun in a circular orbit taking exactly 365 days
* Author: Raziman T V
* License:
* You may use this document for whatever purpose you desire, as long as the
* following conditions are satisfied:
* 1) You do not use it in a way that suggests that I endorse the use.
* 2) If you redistribute this code, I would be grateful if you credit me as
* the author of the code. This is not a requirement.
* 3) If this code is modified and redistributed with credit to me as the
* original author, the code should either contain a link to the source where
* the unaltered code can be found, or state explicitly that the code has
* been altered significantly since.
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
/* Constants and global variables */
const double pi = 4 * atan(1);
// Tilt of the earth's rotational axis
const double epsilon = 23.4 * pi / 180;
// Solar constant : J/day/m^2
const double solar_contant = 1361 * 86400;
// Assume that 1 year = 365 synodic days
const int days_in_year = 365;
// Number of parts to divide the day into for calculation
const int divide_day_into = 1440;
// Integration time unit
const double integration_time = 1 / (double)divide_day_into;
// Total number of times for which stuff has to be calculated
const int N_calc = days_in_year * divide_day_into;
// Assume that Vernal equinox occurs at noon on March 21
const double VE_time = 31 + 28 + 20 + 0.5;
// Hour angle and declination of the sun for each time
double h[N_calc], delta[N_calc];
/* Convert from ecliptic to equatorial coordinates */
void ecliptic_to_equatorial(double lambda, double beta, double &alpha,
double &delta) {
/* sin[delta] = sin[beta] * cos[epsilon]
* + cos[beta] * sin[epsilon] * sin[lambda]
* cos[delta] * sin[alpha] = cos[beta] * sin[lambda] * cos[epsilon]
* - sin[beta] * sin[epsilon]
* cos[delta] * cos[alpha] = cos[beta] * cos[lambda]
delta =
asin(sin(beta) * cos(epsilon) + cos(beta) * sin(epsilon) * sin(lambda));
alpha =
atan2(cos(beta) * sin(lambda) * cos(epsilon) - sin(beta) * sin(epsilon),
cos(beta) * cos(lambda));
/* Convert from equatorial to horizontal coordinates */
void equatorial_to_horizontal(double h, double delta, double phi, double &A,
double &a) {
/* sin[a] = sin[phi] * sin[delta]
* + cos[phi] * cos[delta] * cos[h]
* cos[a] * cos[A] = cos[delta] * cos[h] * sin [phi] - sin[delta] * cos[phi]
* cos[a] * sin[A] = cos[delta] * sin[h]
a = asin(sin(phi) * sin(delta) + cos(phi) * cos(delta) * cos(h));
A = atan2(cos(delta) * sin(h),
cos(delta) * cos(h) * sin(phi) - sin(delta) * cos(phi));
/* Convert from time (in days) since vernal equinox to Local Sidereal Time */
double LST(double t_VE) {
/* days_in_year synodic days = (days_in_year+1) sidereal days
* Hence sidereal time progresses at the rate of 1+(1/days_in_year) times
* normal time
* Sidereal time at vernal equinox is 12h
return fmod(t_VE * (1 + 1 / (double)days_in_year) + 0.5, 1);
/* Calculate the Hour angle and Declination of the sun for each time value */
void init_HAdec() {
for (int day = 0, arr = 0; day < days_in_year; day++) {
for (int i = 0; i < divide_day_into; i++, arr++) {
// Time, in days, since new year
double t = day + (i + 0.5) * integration_time;
// Time, in days, since vernal equinox
double t_VE = fmod(t + days_in_year - VE_time, days_in_year);
// Ecliptic longitude, latitude and Right ascension of the sun
double lambda = 2 * pi * t_VE / days_in_year, beta = 0, alpha;
// Find RA and declination of the sun
ecliptic_to_equatorial(lambda, beta, alpha, delta[arr]);
// Calculate Hour angle of sun : HA = LST -RA
h[arr] = 2 * pi * LST(t_VE) - alpha;
int main() {
for (int lat = -90; lat <= 90; lat++) {
printf("%d\t", lat);
// Latitude in radians
double phi = lat * pi / 180;
for (int day = 0, arr = 0; day < days_in_year; day++) {
// Total energy received at a place with the given latitude over the day
double daily_energy = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < divide_day_into; i++, arr++) {
// Altitude and azimuth of the sun at the given place and time
double a, A;
// Calculate the altitude and azimuth values from HA and dec
equatorial_to_horizontal(h[arr], delta[arr], phi, A, a);
// If the sun is above the horizon, increment the energy received
if (a >= 0)
daily_energy += integration_time * sin(a) * solar_contant;
printf("%lf\t", daily_energy);
return 0;
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