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Last active March 22, 2017 17:28
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Signpost solver
/* Signpost solver
* Author: Raziman T V
* (Game can be found at
* Board is to be input as
* H W
* v_i dir_i
* where v_i is the value of ith cell (0 for unknown)
* and dir_i is the direction in which cell points
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
// Map NWSE to directions
map<string, pair<int, int>> dir{
{"X", {0, 0}}, {"E", {0, 1}}, {"NE", {-1, 1}},
{"N", {-1, 0}}, {"NW", {-1, -1}}, {"W", {0, -1}},
{"SW", {1, -1}}, {"S", {1, 0}}, {"SE", {1, 1}}};
class board { // Game board
struct cell { // Cell in the board
int val; // value of the cell (0 for unknown)
int next, prev; // adjacent nodes in hamiltonian path (-1 if unknown)
int parent; // Parent for DSU
set<int> nextposs, prevposs; // Candidates for adjacent nodes
struct undo { // Struct to store variable changes so they can be undone
vector<int> next, prev, val, used; // A vector for each changing variable
vector<pair<int, int>> poss, parent; // next and prev poss combined to poss
int H, W; // Dimensions of the grid
vector<cell> cellmatrix; // Board matrix
map<int, int> used; // Positions of already fixed numbers
pair<int, int> getlowest(); // Find the node with lowest in/out degree
bool merge(int, int, undo&); // Add an edge between two nodes
void undomerge(undo&); // Remove an added ege, undoing side effects
int findparent(int, undo&); // Find the DSU parent with path compression
bool solve(); // Solve the board starting from current state
friend istream& operator>>(istream&, board&); // Read state and set up data
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, board&); // Output state
// Find the node with lowest in/out degree
// Break ties by minimising out/in degree
// First element returned is position, second is whether we will fill next/prev
pair<int, int> board::getlowest() {
int zeros = 0;
pair<int, int> best{2 * (H + W), 2 * (H + W)}, ret{-1, -1};
for (int i = 0; i < H * W; ++i) {
if (cellmatrix[i].next == -1) { // If we have not chosen the successor node
// Outdegree-indegree pair
pair<int, int> cur{cellmatrix[i].nextposs.size(),
if (cur.first == 0) {
// Only 2 nodes (start and end) can have zero size of next/prev poss
// If there is more, this is an unsolvable state
if (++zeros > 2) return {-1, -1};
} else if (cur < best) {
best = cur;
ret = {i, 0};
if (cellmatrix[i].prev == -1) { // Repeat for predecessor node choiec
pair<int, int> cur{cellmatrix[i].prevposs.size(),
if (cellmatrix[i].prevposs.size() == 0) {
if (++zeros > 2) return {-1, -1};
} else if (cur < best) {
best = cur;
ret = {i, 1};
return ret;
// Merge two nodes
// Remember to log all operations so that they can be undone later
bool board::merge(int u, int v, undo& U) {
// If the nodes are in the same DSU component we have a cycle, crash out
int upar = findparent(u, U), vpar = findparent(v, U);
if (upar == vpar) return false;
// Otherwise merge the components
U.parent.push_back({upar, upar});
cellmatrix[upar].parent = vpar;
// Mark the nodes as successor and predecessor of each other
cell &ucell = cellmatrix[u], &vcell = cellmatrix[v]; = v;;
vcell.prev = u;
// Now they should be removed as candidates from every other vertex
for (int i : ucell.nextposs) {
U.poss.push_back({u, i});
for (int i : vcell.prevposs) {
U.poss.push_back({i, v});
ucell.nextposs = vcell.prevposs = {};
// Check for value consistency
if (ucell.val > 0 and vcell.val > 0 and ucell.val + 1 != vcell.val) {
// If both have values but are inconsistent, die
return false;
} else if (ucell.val > 0 and vcell.val == 0) {
// If one has value but the other does not,
// propagate to the latter (and if it has a successor and so on)
int vv = v, vval = ucell.val + 1;
while (1) {
// If we end up with an already used or out-of-bounds value, die
if (vval > H * W or used.count(vval) > 0) return false;
cellmatrix[vv].val = vval;
used[vval++] = vv;
if (cellmatrix[vv].next == -1) break;
// The vertex has a successor, we should continue
vv = cellmatrix[vv].next;
// If the propagation resulted in nodes with consecutive values, merge them
if (used.count(vval)) {
if (cellmatrix[vv].nextposs.count(used[vval]) == 0) return false;
return merge(vv, used[vval], U);
} else if (ucell.val == 0 and vcell.val > 0) {
// Same as above in the other direction
int uu = u, uval = vcell.val - 1;
while (1) {
if (uval < 1 or used.count(uval) > 0) return false;
cellmatrix[uu].val = uval;
used[uval--] = uu;
if (cellmatrix[uu].prev == -1) break;
uu = cellmatrix[uu].prev;
if (used.count(uval)) {
if (cellmatrix[uu].prevposs.count(used[uval]) == 0) return false;
return merge(used[uval], uu, U);
return true;
// Undo the operations in the structure
// Apply reverse operation for each variable change in order and clear vector
void board::undomerge(undo& U) {
for (auto i : cellmatrix[i].next = -1;;
for (auto i : U.prev) cellmatrix[i].prev = -1;
for (auto i : U.val) cellmatrix[i].val = 0;
for (auto i : U.used) used.erase(i);
for (auto uv : U.poss) {
// Undoing DSU operations is tricky, make sure they are done in stack order
reverse(U.parent.begin(), U.parent.end());
for (auto uv : U.parent) {
cellmatrix[uv.first].parent = uv.second;
// DSU parent finding with path compression
// Usual return (parent[u] == u)?u:parent[u]=findparent(u)
// But we need to log each operation so that it can be undone
int board::findparent(int u, undo& U) {
if (cellmatrix[u].parent == u) return u;
int v = findparent(cellmatrix[u].parent, U);
if (v == cellmatrix[u].parent) return v;
// Neither u nor its parent is root
// Log current parent to U before changing the allegiance of u
U.parent.push_back({u, cellmatrix[u].parent});
return cellmatrix[u].parent = v;
int cnt = 0; // solve() counter
// Solve the board recursively
// Undo allows to recurse without making copies of the board
bool board::solve() {
// If all numbers have been placed, we can die in peace now
if (used.size() == H * W) return true;
pair<int, int> lowest;
undo U, U0;
// If x and x+2 have been already filled, do a quick check for x+1
for (auto mit = used.begin(), mit2 = next(mit); mit2 != used.end();
mit = mit2++) {
if (mit->first + 2 == mit2->first) {
vector<int> intersection;
// x+1 can be in locations which are both next to x and prev to x+2
// If x+1 can't be placed, die
// If there is a unique position, place it and die if it does not work
if (intersection.empty() or
((intersection.size() == 1) and
!merge(mit->second, intersection.back(), U0))) {
goto BPP;
// Find the lowest degree vertex to be satisfied or die
lowest = getlowest();
if (lowest.first == -1) goto BPP;
if (lowest.second == 0) { // We need to choose a successor
int u = lowest.first;
vector<pair<int, int>> vposs;
// Try all successors in decreasing order of predecessor count
// Why does it reduce the number of solve() calls? MAGIC
for (auto v : cellmatrix[u].nextposs)
vposs.push_back({-cellmatrix[v].prevposs.size(), v});
sort(vposs.begin(), vposs.end());
for (auto v : vposs) {
if (merge(u, v.second, U) and solve()) {
// If assigning the successor solves the board, we are done
return true;
// Otherwise remember to undo all the changes we made in this step
} else { // We need to choose a predecessor
int v = lowest.first;
vector<pair<int, int>> uposs;
for (auto u : cellmatrix[v].prevposs)
uposs.push_back({-cellmatrix[u].nextposs.size(), u});
sort(uposs.begin(), uposs.end());
for (auto u : uposs) {
if (merge(u.second, v, U) and solve()) {
return true;
BPP: // Bad programming practice
// Nothing worked. Undo the initial set of operations and return
return false;
// Read the board state and set up all variables
// If something is inconsistent, die immediately
istream& operator>>(istream& in, board& B) {
in >> B.H >> B.W;
assert(B.H > 0 and B.W > 0);
B.cellmatrix = vector<board::cell>(B.H * B.W);
B.used = {};
for (int i = 0; i < B.H; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < B.W; ++j) {
int cur = i * B.W + j;
B.cellmatrix[cur].parent = cur; // DSU initialisation
int& val = B.cellmatrix[cur].val;
in >> val;
assert(val >= 0 and val <= B.H * B.W); // Ensure values are in range
if (val > 0) {
assert(B.used.count(val) == 0); // Values cannot repeat
B.used[val] = cur;
B.cellmatrix[cur].prev = B.cellmatrix[cur].next = -1;
string d;
in >> d;
if (d == "X") continue;
int di = dir[d].first, dj = dir[d].second;
// Move till we leave the board, to add next/prev candidates
for (int ii = i + di, jj = j + dj;
ii >= 0 and ii < B.H and jj >= 0 and jj < B.W; ii += di, jj += dj) {
int next = ii * B.W + jj;
// If an endpoint is missing, weird things can happen
assert(B.used.count(1) and B.used.count(B.H * B.W));
// 1 cannot be any node's successor, do the cleanup
int pos1 = B.used[1];
for (auto i : B.cellmatrix[pos1].prevposs) {
B.cellmatrix[pos1].prevposs = {};
// Process if x and x+1 are in the board initially
board::undo temp;
for (auto mit = B.used.begin(), mit2 = next(mit); mit2 != B.used.end();
mit = mit2++) {
if (mit->first + 1 == mit2->first) {
// Add an edge from x to x+1 or die
assert(B.merge(mit->second, mit2->second, temp));
return in;
// Output board state
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, board& B) {
for (int i = 0; i < B.H; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < B.W; ++j) {
out << B.cellmatrix[i * B.W + j].val << " ";
out << "\n";
out << "\n";
return out;
int main() {
board B;
cin >> B;
if (B.solve()) cout << B;
cerr << cnt << "\n";
return 0;
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Sample board:

15 15
0 SE 76 E 0 W 0 E 80 S 0 SE 113 SE 0 S 0 S 0 W 0 S 55 SW 221 SW 220 W 0 SW
184 S 0 S 0 S 139 E 140 S 0 S 119 S 53 S 96 SW 29 W 215 S 95 W 175 SW 0 S 0 W
0 S 0 S 88 S 68 SW 0 NW 210 S 208 NW 0 S 0 S 207 W 0 NE 46 SE 100 NW 87 W 154 S
0 SE 6 E 0 S 0 S 66 SE 211 E 97 S 225 X 0 S 7 NW 0 NW 224 W 65 W 0 S 0 NW
145 E 0 S 92 E 48 S 0 E 0 S 0 E 0 NE 161 N 203 E 204 S 202 W 0 NW 0 W 0 NW
105 E 165 SE 106 E 49 SE 0 S 218 SE 0 N 0 NE 0 W 78 SE 0 S 134 SW 189 SW 0 W 156 NW
0 E 0 E 83 SE 0 E 0 SE 0 SE 0 E 90 NW 0 NE 64 NE 34 SE 0 E 0 E 0 SW 155 N
0 E 200 NE 191 SE 62 N 0 E 0 W 0 NE 0 SW 0 NE 149 SE 0 W 0 E 0 S 36 SW 0 W
0 SE 70 SE 198 SE 14 E 141 E 0 N 142 NW 15 E 0 NW 0 NW 16 N 170 S 0 W 129 SW 0 SW
0 N 60 SE 82 N 0 S 81 W 0 N 120 E 0 S 39 W 0 N 0 N 38 W 0 N 35 N 0 W
144 N 0 E 0 E 111 N 197 NW 0 SW 33 NE 72 N 0 E 182 SE 0 NE 116 SE 115 W 126 N 79 NW
131 E 0 N 89 NE 61 N 0 E 0 NW 173 NE 132 NE 0 SW 0 NW 0 W 0 SW 58 NE 172 W 4 W
0 E 0 E 74 NW 0 N 108 W 0 NE 177 E 1 S 163 N 0 SW 0 NE 178 N 0 NW 0 NW 0 W
0 E 0 W 0 N 0 N 0 S 124 NE 0 NE 51 N 0 E 0 W 0 NW 0 NE 183 NW 219 N 0 N
0 N 0 E 0 N 0 NE 23 N 10 E 0 W 0 NW 0 W 0 NW 102 E 42 N 188 N 0 N 0 W

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