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Last active January 4, 2021 23:45
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A suggested pre-commit hook for projects with lots of legacy Python code
set -euo pipefail
function lint_added_file () {
# This is called for every file added in the current branch. This
# is the place we should feel more free to validate files more
# rigorously so that nothing we don't like can enter the codebase.
# Get the type of the file and choose what to do.
type=$(file --mime-type -b "$1")
case $type in
shellcheck "$1"
isort -faas "$1"
flake8 "$1"
black -l 79 "$1"
echo "File $1 was not processed"
function lint_modified_file () {
# This is called for every file modified in the current branch. We
# can't be too rigorous here, as we risk failing validation for
# regions that were not changed.
# Get the type of the file and choose what to do.
type=$(file --mime-type -b "$1")
case $type in
shellcheck "$1"
flake8 "$1"
echo "File $1 was not processed"
# Iterate over the files added on this branch
for file in $(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=A develop)
lint_added_file "$file"
# Iterate over the files modified on this commit
for file in $(git diff --name-only --diff-filter=M HEAD)
lint_modified_file "$file"
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