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Last active August 24, 2016 10:22
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extracting data manually from OMK server
# easy way
and then
# longer way
## tar the folder
tar -cvf osm_may24.tar *
## scp it down
scp [email protected]:/opt/omk/OpenMapKitServer/data/submissions/osm_may24.tar .
## older methods
## find and move all .osm files to the main submissions folder
## run this in the ao_data_assessment folder
sudo find ./ -name '*.osm' -exec cp {} . \;
## copy them to a new osm_may24 folder
## have to put things in a -c ' ' b/c the sudo blocsk the do
sudo sh -c 'for f in *.osm; do mv "$f" ./osm_may24; done'
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