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Created September 27, 2024 11:53
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fasthtml oauth huggingface
from fasthtml.common import *
from fasthtml.oauth import HuggingFaceClient, redir_url
# Auth client
client = HuggingFaceClient(os.getenv("HF_CLIENT_ID"), os.getenv("HF_API_SECRET"))
app = FastHTML()
redir_path = "/auth/callback"
def home(request):
redir = redir_url(request, redir_path)
link = client.login_link(redir)
print(f"link: {link}")
return P("Login link: ", A("click here", href=link))
def auth_redirect(request, code: str):
redir = redir_url(request, redir_path)
print(f"code: {code}")
print(f"redir: {redir}")
info = client.retr_info(code, redir)
name, username = info["name"], info["preferred_username"]
return (H3(f"Hello {name}!"), P(f"Your username: {username}"))
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