all = ['empty', 'model_types', 'all_models', 'models', 'models_aws', 'models_goog', 'pricing', 'find_block', 'contents', 'usage', 'mk_msgs', 'Client', 'mk_tool_choice', 'call_func', 'mk_funcres', 'mk_toolres', 'Chat', 'img_msg', 'text_msg', 'mk_msg']
import inspect, typing, mimetypes, base64, json from collections import abc try: from IPython import display except: display=None
from anthropic import Anthropic, AnthropicBedrock, AnthropicVertex from anthropic.types import Usage, TextBlock, Message, ToolUseBlock from anthropic.resources import messages
import toolslm from toolslm.funccall import *
from fastcore import imghdr from fastcore.meta import delegates from fastcore.utils import *
empty = inspect.Parameter.empty
model_types = { # Anthropic 'claude-3-opus-20240229': 'opus', 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620': 'sonnet', 'claude-3-haiku-20240307': 'haiku', # AWS 'anthropic.claude-3-opus-20240229-v1:0': 'opus', 'anthropic.claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620-v1:0': 'sonnet', 'anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0': 'sonnet', 'anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0': 'haiku', # Google 'claude-3-opus@20240229': 'opus', 'claude-3-5-sonnet@20240620': 'sonnet', 'claude-3-sonnet@20240229': 'sonnet', 'claude-3-haiku@20240307': 'haiku', }
all_models = list(model_types)
models, models_aws, models_goog = all_models[:3], all_models[3:7], all_models[7:]
def find_block(r:abc.Mapping, # The message to look in
blk_type:type=TextBlock # The type of block to find
"Find the first block of type blk_type
in r.content
return first(o for o in r.content if isinstance(o,blk_type))
def contents(r):
"Helper to get the contents from Claude response r
blk = find_block(r)
if not blk and r.content: blk = r.content[0]
return blk.text.strip() if hasattr(blk,'text') else str(blk)
def repr_markdown(self:(Message)):
det = '\n- '.join(f'{k}: {v}
' for k,v in self.model_dump().items())
cts = re.sub(r'$', '$', contents(self)) # escape $
for jupyter latex
return f"""{cts}
- {det}
def usage(inp=0, # input tokens
out=0, # Output tokens
cache_create=0, # Cache creation tokens
cache_read=0 # Cache read tokens
"Slightly more concise version of Usage
return Usage(input_tokens=inp, output_tokens=out, cache_creation_input_tokens=cache_create, cache_read_input_tokens=cache_read)
@patch(as_prop=True) def total(self:Usage): return self.input_tokens+self.output_tokens+getattr(self, "cache_creation_input_tokens",0)+getattr(self, "cache_read_input_tokens",0)
@patch def repr(self:Usage): return f'In: {self.input_tokens}; Out: {self.output_tokens}; Cache create: {getattr(self, "cache_creation_input_tokens",0)}; Cache read: {getattr(self, "cache_read_input_tokens",0)}; Total: {}'
def add(self:Usage, b):
"Add together each of input_tokens
and output_tokens
return usage(self.input_tokens+b.input_tokens, self.output_tokens+b.output_tokens, getattr(self,'cache_creation_input_tokens',0)+getattr(b,'cache_creation_input_tokens',0), getattr(self,'cache_read_input_tokens',0)+getattr(b,'cache_read_input_tokens',0))
def mk_msgs(msgs:list, **kw): "Helper to set 'assistant' role on alternate messages." if isinstance(msgs,str): msgs=[msgs] return [mk_msg(o, ('user','assistant')[i%2], **kw) for i,o in enumerate(msgs)]
class Client: def init(self, model, cli=None, log=False): "Basic Anthropic messages client." self.model,self.use = model,usage() self.log = [] if log else None self.c = (cli or Anthropic(default_headers={'anthropic-beta': 'prompt-caching-2024-07-31'}))
@patch def _r(self:Client, r:Message, prefill=''): "Store the result of the message and accrue total usage." if prefill: blk = find_block(r) blk.text = prefill + (blk.text or '') self.result = r self.use += r.usage self.stop_reason = r.stop_reason self.stop_sequence = r.stop_sequence return r
@patch def _log(self:Client, final, prefill, msgs, maxtok=None, sp=None, temp=None, stream=None, stop=None, **kwargs): self._r(final, prefill) if self.log is not None: self.log.append({ "msgs": msgs, "prefill": prefill, **kwargs, "msgs": msgs, "prefill": prefill, "maxtok": maxtok, "sp": sp, "temp": temp, "stream": stream, "stop": stop, **kwargs, "result": self.result, "use": self.use, "stop_reason": self.stop_reason, "stop_sequence": self.stop_sequence }) return self.result
@patch def _stream(self:Client, msgs:list, prefill='', **kwargs): with, messages=mk_msgs(msgs), **kwargs) as s: if prefill: yield(prefill) yield from s.text_stream self._log(s.get_final_message(), prefill, msgs, **kwargs)
@patch def _precall(self:Client, msgs, prefill, stop, kwargs): pref = [prefill.strip()] if prefill else [] if not isinstance(msgs,list): msgs = [msgs] if stop is not None: if not isinstance(stop, (list)): stop = [stop] kwargs["stop_sequences"] = stop msgs = mk_msgs(msgs+pref) return msgs
def mk_tool_choice(choose:Union[str,bool,None])->dict:
"Create a tool_choice
dict that's 'auto' if choose
is None
, 'any' if it is True, or 'tool' otherwise"
return {"type": "tool", "name": choose} if isinstance(choose,str) else {'type':'any'} if choose else {'type':'auto'}
def _mk_ns(*funcs:list[callable]) -> dict[str,callable]:
"Create a dict
of name to function in funcs
, to use as a namespace"
return { for f in funcs}
def call_func(fc:ToolUseBlock, # Tool use block from Claude's message
ns:Optional[abc.Mapping]=None, # Namespace to search for tools, defaults to globals()
obj:Optional=None # Object to search for tools
"Call the function in the tool response tr
, using namespace ns
if ns is None: ns=globals()
if not isinstance(ns, abc.Mapping): ns = _mk_ns(*ns)
func = getattr(obj,, None)
if not func: func = ns[]
res = func(**fc.input)
return res
def mk_funcres(tuid, res): "Given tool use id and the tool result, create a tool_result response." return dict(type="tool_result", tool_use_id=tuid, content=res)
def mk_toolres(
r:abc.Mapping, # Tool use request response from Claude
ns:Optional[abc.Mapping]=None, # Namespace to search for tools
obj:Optional=None # Class to search for tools
"Create a tool_result
message from response r
cts = getattr(r, 'content', [])
res = [mk_msg(r)]
tcs = [mk_funcres(, call_func(o, ns=ns, obj=obj)) for o in cts if isinstance(o,ToolUseBlock)]
if tcs: res.append(mk_msg(tcs))
return res
@patch @delegates(messages.Messages.create) def call(self:Client, msgs:list, # List of messages in the dialog sp='', # The system prompt temp=0, # Temperature maxtok=4096, # Maximum tokens prefill='', # Optional prefill to pass to Claude as start of its response stream:bool=False, # Stream response? stop=None, # Stop sequence tools:Optional[list]=None, # List of tools to make available to Claude tool_choice:Optional[dict]=None, # Optionally force use of some tool **kwargs): "Make a call to Claude." if tools: kwargs['tools'] = [get_schema(o) for o in listify(tools)] if tool_choice: kwargs['tool_choice'] = mk_tool_choice(tool_choice) msgs = self._precall(msgs, prefill, stop, kwargs) if stream: return self._stream(msgs, prefill=prefill, max_tokens=maxtok, system=sp, temperature=temp, **kwargs) res = self.c.messages.create(model=self.model, messages=msgs, max_tokens=maxtok, system=sp, temperature=temp, **kwargs) return self._log(res, prefill, msgs, maxtok, sp, temp, stream=stream, stop=stop, **kwargs)
@patch @delegates( def structured(self:Client, msgs:list, # List of messages in the dialog tools:Optional[list]=None, # List of tools to make available to Claude obj:Optional=None, # Class to search for tools ns:Optional[abc.Mapping]=None, # Namespace to search for tools **kwargs): "Return the value of all tool calls (generally used for structured outputs)" tools = listify(tools) res = self(msgs, tools=tools, tool_choice=tools, **kwargs) if ns is None: ns=tools cts = getattr(res, 'content', []) tcs = [call_func(o, ns=ns, obj=obj) for o in cts if isinstance(o,ToolUseBlock)] return tcs
class Chat:
def init(self,
model:Optional[str]=None, # Model to use (leave empty if passing cli
cli:Optional[Client]=None, # Client to use (leave empty if passing model
sp='', # Optional system prompt
tools:Optional[list]=None, # List of tools to make available to Claude
cont_pr:Optional[str]=None, # User prompt to continue an assistant response: assistant,[user:"..."],assistant
tool_choice:Optional[dict]=None): # Optionally force use of some tool
"Anthropic chat client."
assert model or cli
assert cont_pr != "", "cont_pr may not be an empty string"
self.c = (cli or Client(model))
self.h,self.sp,,self.cont_pr,self.tool_choice = [],sp,tools,cont_pr,tool_choice
def use(self): return self.c.use
pricing = { # model type: $ / million tokens (input, output, cache write, cache read) 'opus': (15, 75, 18.75, 1.5), 'sonnet': (3, 15, 3.75, 0.3), 'haiku': (0.25, 1.25, 0.3, 0.03), }
@patch def cost(self:Usage, costs:tuple) -> float: cache_w, cache_r = getattr(self, "cache_creation_input_tokens",0), getattr(self, "cache_read_input_tokens",0) return sum([self.input_tokens * costs[0] + self.output_tokens * costs[1] + cache_w * costs[2] + cache_r * costs[3]]) / 1e6
@patch(as_prop=True) def cost(self: Chat) -> float: return self.c.use.cost(pricing[model_types[self.c.model]])
@patch def _stream(self:Chat, res): yield from res self.h += mk_toolres(self.c.result,, obj=self)
def _post_pr(self:Chat, pr, prev_role):
if pr is None and prev_role == 'assistant':
if self.cont_pr is None:
raise ValueError("Prompt must be given after assistant completion, or use self.cont_pr
pr = self.cont_pr # No user prompt, keep the chain
if pr: self.h.append(mk_msg(pr))
@patch def _append_pr(self:Chat, pr=None, # Prompt / message ): prev_role = nested_idx(self.h, -1, 'role') if self.h else 'assistant' # First message should be 'user' if pr and prev_role == 'user': self() # already user request pending self._post_pr(pr, prev_role)
@patch def call(self:Chat, pr=None, # Prompt / message temp=0, # Temperature maxtok=4096, # Maximum tokens stream=False, # Stream response? prefill='', # Optional prefill to pass to Claude as start of its response **kw): self._append_pr(pr) res = self.c(self.h, stream=stream, prefill=prefill, sp=self.sp, temp=temp, maxtok=maxtok,, tool_choice=self.tool_choice, **kw) if stream: return self._stream(res) self.h += mk_toolres(self.c.result,, obj=self) return res
def _add_cache(d, cache): "Optionally add cache control" if cache: d["cache_control"] = {"type": "ephemeral"} return d
def img_msg(data:bytes, cache=False)->dict:
"Convert image data
into an encoded dict
img = base64.b64encode(data).decode("utf-8")
mtype = mimetypes.types_map['.'+imghdr.what(None, h=data)]
r = dict(type="base64", media_type=mtype, data=img)
return _add_cache({"type": "image", "source": r}, cache)
def text_msg(s:str, cache=False)->dict:
"Convert s
to a text message"
return _add_cache({"type": "text", "text": s}, cache)
def _str_if_needed(o): if isinstance(o, (list,tuple,abc.Mapping,L)) or hasattr(o, 'pydantic_serializer'): return o return str(o)
def _mk_content(src, cache=False): "Create appropriate content data structure based on type of content" if isinstance(src,str): return text_msg(src, cache=cache) if isinstance(src,bytes): return img_msg(src, cache=cache) if isinstance(src, abc.Mapping): return {k:_str_if_needed(v) for k,v in src.items()} return _str_if_needed(src)
def mk_msg(content, # A string, list, or dict containing the contents of the message
role='user', # Must be 'user' or 'assistant'
"Helper to create a dict
appropriate for a Claude message. kw
are added as key/value pairs to the message"
if hasattr(content, 'content'): content,role = content.content,content.role
if isinstance(content, abc.Mapping): content=content.get('content', content)
if not isinstance(content, list): content=[content]
content = [_mk_content(o, cache if islast else False) for islast,o in loop_last(content)] if content else '.'
return dict2obj(dict(role=role, content=content, **kw), list_func=list)