#!/usr/bin/ruby |
#ruby script to give jukebox control over Sonic Pi by Robin Newman, February 2015 (VERSION 2) |
#added path variable for sonic-pi-cli so that the program can be used on a Mac as well as a Pi |
#utilises sonic_pi_cli by Nick Johnstone which must be installed see https://github.com/Widdershin/sonic-pi-cli |
#the program was developed from an initial project to control Sonic Pi via a mobile phone and teh telegram app |
#the program will list all files in the program spfiles in the user's root directory, and let you choose by number |
#which one to play |
#It can also handle a series of files linked by Sonic Pi cue and sync commands, which can be played one after the other |
#These are placed in sub folders in the folder linked, and their filenames should be numbered in the order in which they are to be run |
#The program can also switch between headphone and hdmi sound output |
#Input the command listall to see all the commands recognised |
#The program creates the temporary folder /tmp/jukebox where it creates and uses 8 temporary files. |
#init.txt, dbf.txt, mlist.txt, comm.txt, llist.txt, coml.txt, linkfiles.txt, mnlist.txt |
#These files and the temporary directory are removed when the program is quit |
#temp file uses: init.txt and dbf.txt contain preamble commands which are sent to Sonic File before the main music files |
#the first initialses !set_sched_ahead_time and !set_volume and sets use_debug false |
#The second just contains use_debug false, and is used when linked files are sent to Sonic Pi |
#mlist.txt holds the contents of the spfiles folder, with preceding line numbers |
#comm.txt holds the filename of the last selected music file to be played |
#llist.txt contains a list of the subdirectories in linked containing sets of linked Sonic Pi files (linked with cue and sync commands) |
#coml.txt contains the name of the last selected subdirectory in the linked directory |
#linkfiles.txt contains the names of the files in the last selected linked files subdirectory |
#mnlist.txt is a temporary work file used when adding line numbers to mlist.txt and llist.txt |
path="/tmp/jukebox" #path for temporary files folder |
spfiles=ENV["HOME"]+"/jukebox/spfiles2" #path for folder cotaining sonic pi files to chose from |
linked=ENV["HOME"]+"/jukebox/linkedSP" #path to folder containing folders of linked sonic pi files to play |
clipath=ENV["HOME"]+"/user/local/bin" |
#adjust on a Mac I use rvm to manage Ruby and so by path was clipath=ENV["HOME"]+"/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/bin" |
#setup temp files and directory |
system 'mkdir '+path |
f=open(path+'/init.txt','w') |
f.puts "use_debug false" |
f.puts "set_sched_ahead_time! 2" |
f.puts "set_volume! 1" |
f.close |
f=open(path+'/dbf.txt','w') |
f.puts "use_debug false" |
f.close |
#populate list and linklist output in mlist.txt and llist.txt |
system 'ls '+spfiles+' > '+path+'/mnlist.txt' |
system 'cat -n '.+path+'/mnlist.txt > '+path+'/mlist.txt' |
system 'ls '+linked+' > '+path+'/mnlist.txt' |
system 'cat -n '.+path+'/mnlist.txt > '+path+'/llist.txt' |
system 'clear'#clear screen |
puts 'Sonic Pi Jukebox control program' #title |
puts |
while true do |
print "Enter Command (listall for help): " |
$stdout.flush |
c=gets.chomp.downcase |
system 'clear' |
puts 'Sonic Pi Jukebox control program' |
puts |
if (c[0..3] == "play" and c =~ /^.....\d/) then #play n command (check number is present with regexp) |
num=c[5..-1] #get value of <n> to num variable |
system "head -'"+num+"' "+path+"/mlist.txt | tail -1 |sed 's/^.......//' > "+path+"/comm.txt 2>&1" #extract filename to comm.txt |
file=File.open(path+"/comm.txt","r") #open and comm.txt and read filename to varaible f |
f=file.readline.chomp |
file.close |
system clipath+'/sonic_pi stop' #stop Sonic Pi from playing |
system "cat "+path+"/init.txt "+spfiles+"/"+f+" | "+clipath+"/sonic_pi" #send file contents to Sonic Pi with init.txt preamble |
puts "Now playing "+f #print file info for user |
end |
if (c[0..7] == "linkplay" and c =~ /^.........\d/) then #linkplay <n> command (check number is present with regexp) |
num=c[9..-1] #get value of <n> to num variable |
#get directory name from llist.txt, strip the preceding number and store the directory name in coml.txt |
system "head -'"+num+"' "+path+"/llist.txt | tail -1 |sed 's/^.......//' > "+path+"/coml.txt 2>&1" |
file=File.open(path+"/coml.txt","r") #open coml.txt, read directory name to variable f |
f=file.readline.chomp |
file.close |
system 'ls '+linked+'/'+f+' > '+path+'/linkfiles.txt' #list contents of directory name in "f" and save in file linkfiles.txt |
system clipath+'/sonic_pi stop' #stop Sonic Pi from playing |
file=File.open(path+'/linkfiles.txt') #open linkfiles.txt |
#read filenames to an array fname |
fname=[] |
until file.eof() |
fname << file.readline().chomp #chomp strips trailing /n |
end |
numfiles=fname.length - 1 #numfiles contains number of files to process |
#process all files except the last |
for x in 0..(numfiles-1) do |
system "cat "+path+"/dbf.txt "+linked+"/"+f+"/"+fname[x]+" | "+clipath+"/sonic_pi &" |
end |
#now do last file, which has a different preamble file, init.txt instead of dbf.txt |
system "cat "+path+"/init.txt "+linked+"/"+f+"/"+fname[numfiles]+" | "+clipath+"/sonic_pi &" |
puts "Now playing "+f #inform teh user what is playing |
end |
case c #deal with remaining commands in a case statement |
when "hp" |
system 'amixer cset numid=3 1 >NUL' |
puts "Headphone output selected" |
when "hdmi" |
system 'amixer cset numid=3 2 >NUL' |
puts "HDMI oputput selected" |
when "list" |
system 'cat '+path+'/mlist.txt' |
puts "Use play <num> to select" |
when "linklist" |
system 'cat '+path+'/llist.txt' |
puts "Use linkplay <num> to select" |
when "stop" |
system clipath+'/sonic_pi stop' |
when "listall" |
puts"Commands: hp (headphones), hdmi (hdmi audio), list (music files), play (num)" |
puts" linklist (linked music pieces), linkplay (num)" |
puts" stop (playing), quit (program)" |
when "quit" |
system clipath+'/sonic_pi stop' #stop Sonic Pi |
system 'rm -fR '+path #remove temp files |
puts "Program ended" |
break |
else |
if c[0..3] != "play" and c[0..7] != "linkplay" then #ignore known commands |
puts "You entered "+c+" which is not a recognised command" |
end |
end |
end |
As a suggestion, why not download the finalist entries in the Sonic Pi competition from https://github.com/raspberrypilearning/sonic-pi-comp-finalists
put them in a folder finalists on your Pi home directory and amend the path variable in line 29 to point to it.
spfiles=ENV["HOME"]+"/finalists" #path for folder cotaining sonic pi files to chose from
Have fun!