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Created April 1, 2016 22:01
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require 'mechanize'
require "httparty"
class DirectoryAPI
def initialize
@token = 'nJ+gXjL+ZpbdhuNR700AT7H3AEQ5r2/zB1+8DSWAl/Y='
@base_url = ''
@mechanize =
# get scraped page for andrewid from cmu directory
def get_user_page(andrewid)
@token = 'nJ+gXjL+ZpbdhuNR700AT7H3AEQ5r2/zB1+8DSWAl/Y='
@mechanize.agent.http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
page = @mechanize.get(@base_url)
form = page.forms.first
# populate form fields
form.fields[0].value = @token
form.fields[1].value = andrewid
# get the page and return
page = form.submit
return page
# get fullname from andrewid
def get_fullname(andrewid)
page = get_user_page(andrewid)
return'h1')[1].text.split( "(" )[0].strip
# response = {}
# begin
# response = Hash[HTTParty.get("{andrewid}", timeout:5)]
# rescue Net::ReadTimeout, Net::OpenTimeout => e
# response = {"first_name"=>andrewid, "last_name"=>"student"}
# end
# return "#{response["first_name"]} #{response["last_name"]}"
# check if cmu directory has page for andrewid
def verify_user_exists(andrewid)
return (!get_fullname(andrewid).empty? or !get_fullname(andrewid).nil?)
# found = false
# begin
# response = Hash[HTTParty.get("{andrewid}", timeout:5)]
# found = response["andrewID"] == andrewid
# rescue Net::ReadTimeout, Net::OpenTimeout => e
# end
# return found
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