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Created November 19, 2015 15:58
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# VPython shell program to display and plot the Earth's motion about the Sun,
# including its angular momentum vector and its Runge-Lenz vector.
from visual import *
from visual.graph import *
# Define the display window. The range sets the scale for all arrows.
display(title = 'Planetary Orbit', width = 600, height = 600, range = 3e11)
G = 6.67e-11 # gravitational constant
year = 365.25 * 24.0 * 3600.0 # number of seconds in a year
tmax = 2.0 * year # set the maximum time of motion at 2 years.
# Set the time step value in seconds.
dt = 5000
# Set up the Sun and the Earth objects. Start the Earth along the +x axis.
sun = sphere(pos = (0, 0, 0), radius = 7e9, color = color.yellow)
sun.mass = 2e30 # Sun's mass
# earth = sphere(pos = (1.5e11, 0, 0), radius = 3.2e9, color = color.cyan)
# earth.mass = 6e24
# speed = 6.28 * earth.pos.x / year
# earth.momentum = earth.mass * vector(0.0, speed, 0.0)
earth = sphere(pos = (1.5e11, 0, 0), radius = 3.2e9, color = color.cyan)
earth.mass = 6e24
speed = 6.28 * earth.pos.x / year
elliptical = True
if elliptical:
speed *= 1.2
# set plane of orbit
orbit = 'xy'
if orbit == 'xy':
earth.momentum = earth.mass * vector(0.0, speed, 0.0)
elif orbit == 'xz':
earth.momentum = earth.mass * vector(0.0, 0.0, speed)
p = earth.pos * 1.5
# Have the Earth leave a trail.
trail = curve(color = earth.color)
# Define the arrows for the gravitational force and momentum vectors.
forcearrow = arrow(shaft = 1e6, color =
momentumarrow = arrow(shaft = 1e6, color =
# Define the arrows for the angular momentum and Runge-Lenz vectors here.
angular_momentum_arrow = arrow(shaft = 5e6, color = color.cyan)
runge_lenz_arrow = arrow(shaft = 5e6,
# Set up the graphing window for plotting the magnitudes of the angular
# momentum and Runge-Lenz vectors. Notice the maximum y value of the plot.
gdisplay( title = 'Angular Momentum and Runge Lenz vs. Time', xtitle = 'Time (s)',
ytitle = 'Angular Momentum (cyan) and Runge Lenz (red)', xmax = tmax, ymax = 10.0,
x = 0, y = 600, width = 500, height = 300 )
# Define the angular momentum and Runge-Lenz plots here.
draw_l = gcurve(color = color.cyan)
draw_rl = gcurve(color =
scene.autoscale = 0 # turn off auto scaling.
t = 0 # intialize the total time.
k = G * earth.mass * sun.mass # Calculate the force constant.
# Here is the loop in which the Earth moves.
while (t < tmax):
rate(1000) # limit the rate of the loop
# Calculate the gravitational force on the Earth:
earth.force = -k * norm(earth.pos - sun.pos) / ( mag(earth.pos - sun.pos) )**2
# Update the Earth's momentum and position.
earth.momentum = earth.momentum + earth.force * dt
earth.pos = earth.pos + (earth.momentum / earth.mass) * dt
# Append the Earth's path and update the momentum and force vector's
# positions and lengths.
trail.append(pos = earth.pos)
momentumarrow.pos = earth.pos
momentumarrow.axis = earth.momentum / 5e18 # Scale the display length.
forcearrow.pos = earth.pos
forcearrow.axis = earth.force / 1e12 # Scale the display length.
# Calculate the angular momentum and Runge-Lenz vectors here. Then display
# and plot them versus time. You will have to scale the length of the arrows
# to fit them in the display window and also scale the magnitudes of the vectors
# to fit on the plot.
about_p = False
if about_p:
earth.angular_momentum = cross(earth.pos - p, earth.momentum)
angular_momentum_arrow.pos = p
earth.angular_momentum = cross(earth.pos, earth.momentum)
angular_momentum_arrow.pos = sun.pos
earth.runge_lenz = cross(earth.momentum, earth.angular_momentum) - earth.mass**2 * sun.mass * G * norm(earth.pos)
runge_lenz_arrow.pos = sun.pos
runge_lenz_arrow.axis = earth.runge_lenz / 6e58
angular_momentum_arrow.axis = earth.angular_momentum / 1e30
draw_l.plot( pos=(t, (earth.angular_momentum / 1e40).z) )
draw_rl.plot( pos=(t, (earth.runge_lenz.x / 2e69)))
print earth.runge_lenz
t = t + dt # Increment the time
print "Orbit program has finished"
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