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Created December 23, 2009 11:00
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Project Euler solutions in Clojure
;;; euler.clj -- Project Euler solutions in Clojure
;; by Robert Campbell,
;; Most of my implemented solutions are crude, utilizing only brute force.
;; I'm more interested in exploring functional programming techniques in
;; Clojure than in mathematical optimizations. I do, however, keep to the
;; standard one minute rule, running all programs on a 2.66GHz Core2 Quad.
;; Problems requiring a sequence of primes were originally solved using
;; the Fermat Test implemented below. Unfortunately this test suffers from
;; Carmichael numbers, resulting in the occasional false positive. I've
;; therefore switched to using clojure.contrib.seq-utils/primes even though
;; it feels like cheating :-)
(ns euler.core
(:import [java.util Calendar])
(:use [clojure.string :only [split-lines]]
(declare square trial-division triangle-numbers pentagonal-numbers
hexagonal-numbers divides? divisors fast-prime?)
; Elapsed time: 3 msecs
(defn p1 [] {:post [(= 233168 %)]}
(reduce #(if (or (divides? 3 %2) (divides? 5 %2)) (+ %1 %2) %1)
(range 1000)))
; Elapsed time: 1 msec
(defn p2 [] {:post [(= 4613732 %)]}
(reduce #(if (even? %2) (+ %1 %2) %1)
(take-while #(< % 4000000) (fibs))))
; Elapsed time: 387 msecs
(defn p3 [] {:post [(= 6857 %)]}
(loop [i 775147 n 600851475143 times 3]
(if (and (divides? i n) (fast-prime? i times)) i
(recur (dec i) n times))))
; Elapsed time: 16692 msecs
(defn p4 [] {:post [(= 906609 %)]}
(let [palindrome? (fn [x] (= (seq (str x))
(reverse (str x))))
vals (reverse (range 1 1000))]
(apply max (filter palindrome?
(for [a vals b vals] (* a b))))))
; Elapsed time: 53618 msecs
(defn p5 [] {:post [(= 232792560 %)]}
(loop [n 20]
(if (reduce #(and (divides? %2 n) %1) true (range 11 20)) n
(recur (+ n 20)))))
; Elapsed time: 1 msec
(defn p6 [] {:post [(= 25164150 %)]}
(let [vals (range 1 101)]
(- (square (reduce + vals))
(reduce + (map square vals)))))
; Elapsed time: 505 msecs
(defn p7 [] {:post [(= 104743 %)]}
(nth primes 10001))
; Elapsed time: 25 msecs
(defn p8 [] {:post [(= 40824 %)]}
(loop [num (map #(Integer. (str %))
(filter #(Character/isDigit %) (slurp "p8.dat")))
max 0]
(if (empty? num) max
(let [prod (reduce * (take 5 num))]
(recur (rest num) (if (> prod max) prod max))))))
; *** In Progress ***
(defn p9 []
(for [a (iterate inc 1)
b (iterate inc 1) :when (< a b)
c (iterate inc 1) :when (< b c)]
(when (and (= (+ (square a) (square b)) (square c))
(= (+ a b c) 1000)) [a b c])))
; Elapsed time: 22633 msecs
(defn p10 [] {:post [(= 142913828922 %)]}
(loop [p primes sum 0]
(if (< (first p) 2000000)
(recur (rest p) (+ (first p) sum)) sum)))
; Elapsed time: 54 msecs
(defn p11 [] {:post [(= 70600674 %)]}
(let [int-row (fn [row] (map #(Integer. %) (.split row "\\s+")))
matrix (map int-row (.split (slurp "p11.dat") "\\r\\n"))
find-greatest-in-row (fn [row]
(loop [segment row max 0]
(if (empty? segment) max
(let [prod (reduce * (take 4 segment))]
(recur (rest segment)
(if (> prod max) prod max))))))
find-greatest (fn [matrix] (apply max (map find-greatest-in-row matrix)))
rotate (fn [matrix]
(loop [idx 0 coll ()]
(if (= idx (count matrix)) coll
(recur (inc idx)
(cons (for [row matrix] (nth row idx)) coll)))))
diagonal (fn [matrix init-x init-y]
(loop [x init-x y init-y coll ()]
(if (or (>= x (count matrix))
(>= y (count matrix))) coll
(recur (inc x) (inc y)
(cons (nth (nth matrix x) y) coll)))))
tilt (fn [matrix]
(set (concat (map #(diagonal matrix 0 %)
(range (count matrix)))
(map #(diagonal matrix % 0)
(range (count (first matrix)))))))]
(find-greatest matrix)
(find-greatest (rotate matrix))
(find-greatest (tilt matrix))
(find-greatest (tilt (rotate matrix))))))
; Elapsed time: 28513 msecs
(defn p12 [] {:post [(= 76576500 %)]}
(loop [i 1]
(if (> (count (divisors (nth triangle-numbers i))) 500)
(nth triangle-numbers i)
(recur (inc i)))))
; Elapsed time: 2 msecs
(defn p13 [] {:post [(= 5537376230 %)]}
(let [vals (map #(BigInteger. %)
(.split (slurp "p13.dat") "\\s+"))]
(.substring (str (reduce + vals)) 0 10)))
; *** In Progress ***
(defn p14 []
(letfn [(collatz [n] (loop [seq (vector n)]
(let [n (last seq)]
(cond (= n 1) seq
(even? n) (recur (conj seq (/ n 2)))
:else (recur (conj seq (inc (* n 3))))))))]
(let [counts (apply merge (map #(array-map (count %) (first %))
(pmap collatz (range 1 100000))))]
(counts (apply max (keys counts))))))
; Elapsed time: 1 msec
(defn p16 [] {:post [(= 1366 %)]}
(reduce + (map #(Integer. (str %))
(seq (str (.pow 2M 1000))))))
; Elapsed time: 76 msecs
(defn p18
([] {:post [(= 1074 %)]}
(p18 (map (fn [row] (vec (map #(Integer/valueOf %)
(.split row " "))))
(split-lines (slurp "p18.dat"))) 0 0))
([frontier index sum]
(if (empty? frontier) sum
(let [row (first frontier)]
(max (p18 (rest frontier) index (+ (row index) sum))
(if (= (inc index) (count row)) 0
(p18 (rest frontier) (inc index)
(+ (row (inc index)) sum))))))))
; Elapsed time: 219 msecs
(defn p19 [] {:post [(= 171 %)]}
(let [calendar (doto (Calendar/getInstance) (.set 1900 12 31))
end (doto (Calendar/getInstance) (.set 2000 12 31))]
(loop [sundays 0]
(if (= calendar end) sundays
(let [day (.get calendar Calendar/DAY_OF_WEEK)
date (.get calendar Calendar/DATE)]
(.add calendar Calendar/DATE 1)
(recur (if (and (= day Calendar/SUNDAY) (= 1 date))
(inc sundays) sundays)))))))
; Elapsed time: 1100 msecs
(defn p21 [] {:post [(= 31626 %)]}
(letfn [(sum-of-divisors [x] (reduce + (trial-division x)))]
(loop [n 10000 sum 0]
(let [a (sum-of-divisors n)
b (sum-of-divisors a)]
(zero? n) sum
(and (= b n) (not (= a b))) (recur (dec n) (+ n sum))
:else (recur (dec n) sum))))))
; Elapsed time: 5052 msecs
(defn p24 [] {:post [(= "2783915460" %)]}
(apply str (nth (permutations (range 10)) 999999)))
; --- Helper functions -----------
(defn square [x]
(* x x))
(defn trial-division [n]
(loop [s 2 factors #{1}]
(> s (ceil (sqrt n))) factors
(divides? s n) (recur (inc s) (set (cons (/ n s) (cons s factors))))
:else (recur (inc s) factors))))
(def triangle-numbers (map #(/ (* % (+ % 1)) 2) (iterate inc 1)))
(def pentagonal-numbers (map #(/ (* % (- (* 3 %) 1)) 2) (iterate inc 1)))
(def hexagonal-numbers (map #(* % (- (* 2 %) 1)) (iterate inc 1)))
; --- Divisor search -------------
(defn divides? [a b]
(zero? (mod b a)))
(defn find-divisor [n test-divisor]
(> (square test-divisor) n) n
(divides? test-divisor n) test-divisor
:else (recur n (inc test-divisor))))
(defn divisors [n]
(loop [i 1 coll []]
(let [div (find-divisor n i)]
(if (= n div)
(recur (if (= i div) (inc i) (inc div))
(cons div (cons (/ n div) coll)))))))
(defn smallest-divisor [n]
(find-divisor n 2))
(defn prime? [n]
(= n (smallest-divisor n)))
; --- Fermat Test -----------------
(defn exp-mod [base exp m]
(zero? exp) 1
(even? exp) (mod (square (exp-mod base (/ exp 2) m)) m)
:else (mod (* base (exp-mod base (dec exp) m)) m)))
(defn fermat-test
([n a] (= (exp-mod a n n) a))
([n] (fermat-test n (inc (rand-int (dec n))))))
(defn fast-prime? [n times]
(zero? times) true
(fermat-test n) (recur n (dec times))
:else false))
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