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Created May 11, 2011 10:14
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Storing and retrieving Clojure data structures as GZIP compressed JSON in Amazon S3
(ns aws.s3
(:refer-clojure :exclude [get])
(:use [clojure.walk :only (keywordize-keys stringify-keys)]
[clojure.contrib.def :only (defonce-)]
[clojure.contrib.json :only (read-json write-json)])
(:import [ PrintWriter InputStreamReader ByteArrayInputStream ByteArrayOutputStream]
[ GZIPInputStream GZIPOutputStream]
[ Charsets]
[ AmazonS3Client]
[ Region CreateBucketRequest ObjectMetadata
BucketVersioningConfiguration SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest]))
;;;; Setup
;;; May want to share this among all AWS clients
(defonce credentials (PropertiesCredentials.
(.getResourceAsStream (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader) "")))
(defonce- s3 (AmazonS3Client. credentials))
(defonce- bucket "some-bucket")
(when-not (.doesBucketExist s3 bucket)
(.createBucket s3 (CreateBucketRequest. bucket Region/US_Standard)))
(let [enabled (BucketVersioningConfiguration. BucketVersioningConfiguration/ENABLED)]
(when-not (= (.getBucketVersioningConfiguration s3 bucket) enabled)
(.setBucketVersioningConfiguration s3 (SetBucketVersioningConfigurationRequest. bucket enabled))))
;;;; Storage
(defn- compressed-json [x]
(with-open [out (new ByteArrayOutputStream)
gzip (GZIPOutputStream. out)
writer (PrintWriter. gzip)]
(write-json x writer)
(.flush writer)
(.finish gzip)
(.toByteArray out)))
(defn put! [k v]
"Stores a Clojure data structure as compressed JSON."
(let [bytes (compressed-json v)
len (count bytes)
in (ByteArrayInputStream. bytes)
meta (doto (new ObjectMetadata)
(.setContentType "text/plain") ; show in browser, but should be "application/json"
(.setContentLength len)
(.setContentEncoding "gzip")
(.setUserMetadata (-> v meta stringify-keys)))]
(.putObject s3 bucket k in meta)))
;;;; Retrieval
(defn- get-decompressed-json [o]
(-> (.getObjectContent o)
(InputStreamReader. Charsets/UTF_8)
(defn- get-meta [o]
(->> (.. o getObjectMetadata getUserMetadata)
(into {})
(defn get [k]
"Returns a Clojure data structure stored as compressed JSON."
(let [o (.getObject s3 bucket k)
v (get-decompressed-json o)
m (get-meta o)]
(with-meta v m)))
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gphil commented Jan 14, 2013

Thanks for this! I was trying to figure out how to gzip a string and send it to S3, and this helped immensely.

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