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rcollette / TargetedRankRequirementsReport.sql
Last active September 13, 2024 18:56
PostgreSQL database for ScoutBook exports and targeted rank advancement planning
-- Create a database in PostgreSQL
-- Apply this SQL to the dabase, using the command:
-- psql -d theDatabaseName -f TargetedRankRequirementsReport.sql
-- Import the Scoutbook exported troop roster into the scouts table first.
-- Import Scoutbook exported rank requirements into the rank_requirements table second.
-- Run various views to get "Reports". The view scout_requirements_targeted_all_scouts is probably of the most
-- interest and can be further filtered to target your needs.
rcollette / MoqItExtensions.cs
Created September 26, 2023 19:16
FluentAssertion Matcher for Moq
namespace Moq;
public static class ItExt
public static T IsEquivalentTo<T>(T expected)
// An inner function like this is called a local function, equivalent to Func<>() = ()=> ;
bool Validate(T actual)
rcollette / MatcherExtensions.cs
Last active September 26, 2023 19:15
moq enumerable matcher
namespace Moq;
public static class MatcherExtensions
public static T[] CreateEnumerableMatcher<T>(this T[] expectation)
return Match.Create<T[]>(
inputCollection =>
bool result = expectation.All(inputCollection.Contains);
return result;
rcollette / vpc-peering.ts
Created October 4, 2020 00:50
AWS CDK VPC Peering and Routing
private _createVpcPeering() {
// Currently, the console shows a name attribute for the peering connection but no
// name is available in the peering connection properties.
this.vpcPeeringConnection = new CfnVPCPeeringConnection(this, 'PeerToLegacyVpc', {
vpcId: this.vpc.vpcId,
peerVpcId: this.legacyVpc.vpcId,
rcollette / sumo_logic.config
Last active September 25, 2020 21:09 — forked from JefStat/sumo_logic.config
Elastic Beanstalk Sumo Logic Config via Gitlab Environment Variable
# This will automatically install the Sumo Logic collector on AWS Elastic
# Beanstalk instances. Add this to the .ebextensions folder in your app root
# To add or remove tracked files, simply add or remove source hashes to the
# sources array.
rcollette / PromiseResolver.ts
Created April 24, 2020 15:56
A Typescript Class Used to Mock Promises in Unit Tests
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
export class PromiseResolver<T = any> {
private _resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
private _reject: (reason?: any) => void;
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-any
public executor = (resolve: (value?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => {
this._resolve = resolve;
this._reject = reject;
rcollette / mongdb-aggregate-lookup
Created September 6, 2019 04:16
Example of a 3 level nested lookup and projection with MongoDb. This is effectively a paged search query.
rcollette /
Created May 31, 2019 18:33
An opinionated bash script for creating a .NET Core webapi (microservice) solution.
set -e
set -x
export SOLUTIONNAME=${1:-"SolutionName"}
export FRAMEWORK=${2:-"netcoreapp2.2"}
export LANGVERSION=${3:-"7.3"}
add_project() {
if [[ "${1}" = "classlib" ]]
rcollette / gist:6252767
Created August 16, 2013 19:24
Results of IDbCommand cancel and no cancel when disposing before all records have been read.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CallTree Level="0" FunctionName="DataReaderDisposeCancelTest.exe" InclusiveElapsedTime="22,386.00" ExclusiveElapsedTime="0.00" InclusiveApplicationTime="0.51" ExclusiveApplicationTime="0.00" InclusiveElapsedTimePercent="100.00" ExclusiveElapsedTimePercent="0.00" InclusiveApplicationTimePercent="100.00" ExclusiveApplicationTimePercent="0.00" NumCalls="0" ModuleName="" />
<CallTree Level="1" FunctionName="DataReaderDisposeCancelTest.Program.Main(string[])" InclusiveElapsedTime="22,386.00" ExclusiveElapsedTime="0.51" InclusiveApplicationTime="0.51" ExclusiveApplicationTime="0.00" InclusiveElapsedTimePercent="100.00" ExclusiveElapsedTimePercent="0.00" InclusiveApplicationTimePercent="100.00" ExclusiveApplicationTimePercent="0.35" NumCalls="1" ModuleName="DataReaderDisposeCancelTest.exe" />
<CallTree Level="2" FunctionName="DataReaderDisposeCancelTest.Program.NoCancelTest(class System.Data.IDbCommand)" InclusiveElapsedTime=
rcollette / gist:6252733
Created August 16, 2013 19:19
Performance test code comparing IDataReader disposal prior to all records being read, using IDbCommand.Cancel() and without using Cancel()
namespace DataReaderDisposeCancelTest
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Common;
internal class Program
private const int iterations = 50;