async = require 'async' |
request = require 'request' |
express = require 'express' |
_ = require 'underscore' |
_s = require 'underscore.string' |
class PullRequestCommenter |
BUILDREPORT = "**Build Status**:" |
constructor: (@sha, @job, @user, @repo, @succeeded) -> |
@job_url = "#{process.env.JENKINS_URL}/job/#{@repo}/#{@job}" |
@api = "http://#{process.env.GITHUB_USER_LOGIN}:#{process.env.GITHUB_USER_PASSWORD}@git.blurb.com/api/v3/#{@user}/#{@repo}" |
post: (path, obj, cb) => |
request.post { uri: "#{@api}#{path}", json: obj }, (e, r, body) -> |
cb e, body |
get: (path, cb) => |
request.get { uri: "#{@api}#{path}", json: true }, (e, r, body) -> |
cb e, body |
del: (path, cb) => |
request.del { uri: "#{@api}#{path}" }, (e, r, body) -> |
cb e, body |
getCommentsForIssue: (issue, cb) => |
@get "/issues/#{issue}/comments", cb |
deleteComment: (id, cb) => |
@del "/issues/comments/#{id}", cb |
getPulls: (cb) => |
@get "/pulls", cb |
getPull: (id, cb) => |
@get "/pulls/#{id}", cb |
commentOnIssue: (issue, comment) => |
@post "/repos/#{@user}/#{@repo}/issues/#{issue}/comments", (body: comment), (e, body) -> |
console.log e if e? |
successComment: -> |
"#{BUILDREPORT} `Succeeded` (#{@sha}, [job info](#{@job_url}))" |
errorComment: -> |
"#{BUILDREPORT} `Failed` (#{@sha}, [job info](#{@job_url}))" |
# Find the first open pull with a matching HEAD sha |
findMatchingPull: (pulls, cb) => |
pulls = _.filter pulls, (p) => p.state is 'open' |
async.detect pulls, (pull, detect_if) => |
@getPull pull.number, (e, { head }) => |
return cb e if e? |
detect_if head.sha is @sha |
, (match) => |
return cb "No pull request for #{@sha} found" unless match? |
cb null, match |
removePreviousPullComments: (pull, cb) => |
@getCommentsForIssue pull.number, (e, comments) => |
return cb e if e? |
old_comments = _.filter comments, ({ body }) -> _s.include body, BUILDREPORT |
async.forEach old_comments, (comment, done_delete) => |
@deleteComment comment.id, done_delete |
, () -> cb null, pull |
makePullComment: (pull, cb) => |
comment = if @succeeded then @successComment() else @errorComment() |
@commentOnIssue pull.number, comment |
cb() |
updateComments: (cb) -> |
async.waterfall [ |
@getPulls |
@findMatchingPull |
@removePreviousPullComments |
@makePullComment |
], cb |
app = module.exports = express.createServer() |
app.configure 'development', -> |
app.set "port", 3000 |
app.configure 'production', -> |
app.use express.errorHandler() |
app.set "port", parseInt process.env.PORT |
# Jenkins lets us know when a build has failed or succeeded. |
app.get '/post_build', (req, res) -> |
sha = req.param 'sha' |
job = parseInt req.param 'job' |
user = req.param 'user' |
repo = req.param 'repo' |
succeeded = req.param('status') is 'success' |
# Look for an open pull request with this SHA and make comments. |
commenter = new PullRequestCommenter sha, job, user, repo, succeeded |
commenter.updateComments (e, r) -> console.log e if e? |
res.send 'Ok', 200 |
app.listen app.settings.port |