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Ryan Thomas Correia Ortega rcorreia

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rcorreia / drag_and_drop_helper.js
Last active February 16, 2025 12:05
(function( $ ) {
$.fn.simulateDragDrop = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
new $.simulateDragDrop(this, options);
$.simulateDragDrop = function(elem, options) {
this.options = options;
this.simulateEvent(elem, options);
rcorreia / parallel_ci_reporter.rb
Created April 16, 2012 20:50
Using ci_reporter with parallel_tests
# The way the parallel_tests gem loads the test suite is incompatible with how ci_reporter loads the
# test suite. This module reconciles the difference by recognizing when ci_reporter is expected to
# be loaded and then doing it.
module ParallelCIReporter
# Sets up ci_reporter if necessary.
def self.setup_ci_reporter
install_mediator if ci_reporter?
rcorreia / gist:3632616
Created September 5, 2012 07:28 — forked from ryanlecompte/gist:3631742
My solution to New Relic's programming challenge
# I had a lot of fun doing this one! The following code makes
# the tests at pass.
# NOTE: I normally would DRY some of this code up, but it's just a
# fun challenge and would never be deployed to production. :)
module MethodInstrumenter
def self.instrument_path(path)
@path = path
@instrumenting = false
rcorreia /
Created September 14, 2012 22:57 — forked from pierrel/
Delete all merged branches
# Deletes all branches already merged with master
git checkout master
git pull
for BRANCH in `git branch`; do
git branch -d ${BRANCH}
rcorreia /
Created November 19, 2012 17:18 — forked from pierrel/
Delete all merged branches
# Deletes all branches already merged with master
git checkout master
git pull
for BRANCH in `git branch`; do
git branch -d ${BRANCH}
rcorreia / Procfile
Created November 20, 2012 14:13 — forked from dvdsgl/Procfile
Automated Jenkins Comments on GitHub Pull Requests
web: node server.js
from threading import Thread
from selenium import selenium
import time
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
"all-platforms": [
["Windows 2003", "firefox", "2"],
["Windows 2003", "firefoxproxy", "2"],
["Windows 2003", "firefox", "3.0"],
["Windows 2003", "firefoxproxy", "3.0"],
["Windows 2003", "firefox", "3.5"],
["Windows 2003", "firefoxproxy", "3.5"],
["Windows 2003", "firefox", "3.6"],
["Windows 2003", "firefoxproxy", "3.6"],
["Windows 2003", "firefox", "4"],
curl -H "Content-Type:text/json" -s -X PUT -d '{"passed": true}' http://$USERNAME:[email protected]/rest/v1/$USERNAME/jobs/$JOBID
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Proof-of-Concept exploit for Rails Remote Code Execution (CVE-2013-0333)
# ## Advisory
# ## Caveats