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Created September 13, 2012 03:36
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Install Golang
# Setup your home directory to handle a go installation
mkdir ~/go
cd ~/
# Grab and untar the binary the binary
# If you have a 64bit system, use
tar -xzf go1.0.2.linux-386.tar.gz
# Setup your environment to handle the root Go install
export GOROOT=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
# Setup your environment to handle installed packages
mkdir ~/go/gocode
export GOPATH=$HOME/go/gocode
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
# Save those changes for the next time you login
echo "export GOROOT=$HOME/go" > ~/.profile
echo "export GOPATH=$HOME/go/gocode" >> ~/.profile
echo "export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.profile
# Install and run the tour
go get
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