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Last active February 8, 2020 15:31
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a description of Albany CERT for an East Bay CERT gathering

Albany CERT

  • I (Raymond Yee, [email protected]) am a resident of Albany. After taking the CERT training in Spring 2017, I started to organize the community of CERT folks living in Albany so that we can have a longer term community. (What can we do after our training? How can we work together between major disasters?)
  • Biannual CERT course: CERT Program & Courses | City of Albany, CA -- next course is March 24-May 19, 2020
  • CERT Program manager is Michael Raab of the Albany Fire Dept. We get the day-to-day support of Neighborhood Services Manager Sid Schoenfeld
  • We have a Google Group to facilitate some communication:
  • Albany CERT Community Meeting happens on the 5th Wednesday of the month meetings -- last one was Jan 29, 2020.
  • We have an organizing team that meets 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month

Some challenges we face:

  • What organizational structure should we use? We're intimately tied to the Fire Dept and the City of Albany but we are an independent group. How to structure this relationship formally? How formal should we be?
  • organizing at the block/neighborhood level
  • digital infrastructure for collaboration, managing membership database, sharing information, communicating in "regular time" and "disaster time"
  • continuing education
  • would love to collaborate with neighboring communities, including BDPNN and BeCERTAINN - Google Groups / Berkeley neighbors seek to widen grassroots emergency radio system — Berkeleyside
  • integrating new members and maintaining the ongoing interest of old members
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