This gist contains the files to demonstrate the problem described in p5.serialserver leaking memory.
To run this, you'll need an "Arduino-like device" with a USB port capable of generating
// Efficiently maintain source => target associations. | |
// R. Dunbar Poor - March 2020 | |
var Association = function() { | |
this._links_by_source = new Map(); | |
this._links_by_target = new Map(); | |
} | |
/** | |
* @brief Clear all associations |
This gist contains the files to demonstrate the problem described in p5.serialserver leaking memory.
To run this, you'll need an "Arduino-like device" with a USB port capable of generating
license: gpl-3.0 |
// Walk a tree using Promises, where the act of fetching a node is asynchronous. | |
// | |
// This version visits the nodes in the expected order and returns a promise that | |
// is resolved when the last node is visited. (If you're here from the StackOverflow | |
// post, the original error was a missing return statement in the call to map()) | |
"use strict"; | |
var family_tree = { | |
"pops" : { name: "pops", children: ["chuck", "george", "pete"]}, |
Summary: a "standard build" of ruby-2.0.0-p0 under Mac OS X 10.8.3, | |
fails with an abort trap while linking miniruby | |
Compilation environment: | |
MacBook Pro | |
OS X 10.8.3 | |
Xcode version 4.6.1 with command line tools | |
gcc version 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658) | |
Commands: |
FactoryGirl.define do | |
# generate a sequence of fake US street addresses, such as: | |
# 1001 Birch Boulevard, Clinton AK 52574, USA | |
sequence :address do |n| | |
# NB: the length of street_name, street_type, city, state arrays | |
# are all chosen to be relatively prime to generate maximal | |
# length sequences | |
street_number = 1000 + n | |
street_name = %w(Aspen Birch Cedar Dogwood Elm Ginkgo Hickory Ironwood |
FactoryGirl.define do | |
# Generate a fake name by composing a first and last name. Names | |
# taken from recent US Census lists. | |
sequence :name do |n| | |
first_names = %w( Aaron Abby Abdul Abe Abel Abigail Abraham Abram | |
Ada Adalberto Adam Adan Addie Adela Adele Adeline Adolfo Adolph | |
Adrian Adriana Adrienne Agnes Agustin Ahmad Ahmed Aida Aileen | |
Aimee Aisha Al Alan Alana Alba Albert Alberta Alberto Alden Aldo |
load '../sketches/datetime_bug.rb' | |
-- create_table(:test_records, {:force=>true}) | |
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "test_records_id_seq" for serial column "" | |
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "test_records_pkey" for table "test_records" | |
[1m[36m (237.7ms)[0m [1mCREATE TABLE "test_records" ("id" serial primary key, "f_datetime" timestamp) [0m | |
-> 0.3416s | |
[1m[35m (0.3ms)[0m BEGIN | |
[1m[36mSQL (39.4ms)[0m [1mINSERT INTO "test_records" ("f_datetime") VALUES ($1) RETURNING "id"[0m [["f_datetime", Wed, 14 Sep 0763 00:00:00 UTC +00:00]] | |
[1m[35m (0.8ms)[0m COMMIT | |
[1m[36mDateTimeBug::TestRecord Load (0.5ms)[0m [1mSELECT "test_records".* FROM "test_records" LIMIT 1[0m |