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Last active October 21, 2018 19:32
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Save rduplain/3441687 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wrap sed in Python to provide ed-style line editing in a simple function call.
"Wrapper to provide ed-style line editing."
# Ron DuPlain <[email protected]>
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def edit(text, command):
r"""Edit given text using ed-style line editing, using system's sed command.
>>> edit('Hello, world!', 's/world/friends/')
u'Hello, friends!'
>>> edit('Hello, world!', 'bad_input')
Traceback (most recent call last):
EditorException: sed: can't find label for jump to `ad_input'
Boring empty cases are handled gracefully:
>>> edit('Hello, world!', '')
u'Hello, world!'
>>> edit('', 's/world/friends/')
>>> edit('', '')
This is a full ed implementation:
>>> edit('Hello hello, world! HELLO!', 's/hello/greetings/gi')
u'greetings greetings, world! greetings!'
>>> edit('Hello, world!', r's/\(.*\)/You said, "\1"/')
u'You said, "Hello, world!"'
A note on backslash escaping for sed, remember that Python has it's own
escaping. For example, "backslash one" must either be \\1 or provided in a
raw string, r'\1'.
>>> edit('Hello, world!', 's/\\(.*\\)/\\U\\1/')
>>> edit('Hello, world!', r's/\(.*\)/\U\1/')
output = sed_wrapper(text, command)
if not output:
return u''
return unicode(output)
class EditorException(RuntimeError):
"An error occured while processing the editor command."
def sed_wrapper(text, command):
"""Wrap sed to provide full ed-style line-editing.
Being the stream editor, open sed in a subprocess and communicate with it
using stdio, raising a sensible exception if the command call does not
Note this wrapper deals with shell injection attempts:
>>> sed_wrapper('Hello, world!', 's/world/friends/; ls')
Traceback (most recent call last):
EditorException: sed: -e expression #1, char 20: extra characters after command
>>> sed_wrapper('Hello, world!', '; ls')
Traceback (most recent call last):
EditorException: sed: -e expression #1, char 4: extra characters after command
arguments = ['sed', command]
sed = Popen(arguments, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
returncode = sed.wait()
if returncode != 0:
# Unix integer returncode, where 0 is success.
raise EditorException(
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Test with `pyflakes && python`.
# If you do not have pyflakes, get it! `pip install pyflakes`
# See output for errors. No output means that all tests pass.
import doctest
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