"""Demonstration of tornado web server with werkzeug interactive debugger. |
Ron DuPlain <[email protected]> |
https://gist.github.com/rduplain/4983839 |
2013-02-19 - 2013-07-27 |
Tested on Python 2: |
* Python 2.7.3 |
* Tornado 2.4.1 and 3.1 |
* Werkzeug 0.8.3 and 0.9.3 |
... and Python 3: |
* Python 3.3.0 |
* Tornado 3.1 |
* Werkzeug 0.9.3 |
Call `python2.7 tornado_debug.py --debug` to enable debugger, off otherwise. |
Whenever an exception occurs in a handler, the "get_error_html" method kicks |
in, rendering the werkzeug interactive debugger in the browser. As it is |
rendered, the traceback and its frames are stored on the application |
object. The DebugApplication is a subclass of tornado.web.Application so that |
you can swap it out during development, and it contains a dummy WSGI |
application (Werkzeug is WSGI) so that it can load Werkzeug's debug |
middleware. Then all calls to __debugger__ URIs are intercepted and passed to |
this middleware. |
That is, in normal operation, all requests are business as usual on your |
tornado server. WSGI is only introduced to serve the debugger, which has a |
snapshot of the traceback. So you should be able to use this with traditional |
tornado applications without introducing synchronous constraints. There's a |
shared object between the Application and the Handler, so look out for that if |
you are threading yourself. I don't have any tricky asynchronous code to test |
this on, but if you can serve HTML, then this debugger is a |
possibility. Websockets are out of scope here, since this interaction assumes |
request-response with a rendered HTML template. |
You can inspect code at different stack frames from within the browser. These |
frames are kept on the application object until the process is restarted, and |
you can even issue other requests to your tornado application while interacting |
within a traceback. Naturally, it's a bad idea to run this in production. |
""" |
import logging |
import tornado.ioloop |
import tornado.web |
import tornado.wsgi |
class Handler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): |
"General-purpose handler for routing to application-level interfaces." |
def initialize(self, debug): |
# Since we are using the same Handler class for both debug and normal |
# modes, we check for debug flag here. Alternatively, define |
# get_error_html in a subclass and pass that class to the Application |
# on instantiation. |
if debug: |
self.get_error_html = self.get_debugger_html |
def get_debugger_html(self, status_code, **kwargs): |
assert isinstance(self.application, DebugApplication) |
traceback = self.application.get_current_traceback() |
keywords = self.application.get_traceback_renderer_keywords() |
html = traceback.render_full(**keywords).encode('utf-8', 'replace') |
return html.replace(b'WSGI', b'tornado') |
class IndexHandler(Handler): |
def get(self): |
self.write('Hello, world!') |
class BrokenHandler(Handler): |
def get(self): |
raise Exception('This is a test of the emergency broadcast system.') |
self.write('You will never see this text.') |
class ApplicationMixin(object): |
"Provide a run method to start the application server." |
def run(self, port, logger=logging.getLogger()): |
logger.info('Running tornado on port %(port)d.' % {'port': port}) |
self.listen(port) |
tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() |
class Application(tornado.web.Application, ApplicationMixin): |
"Tornado Application with a run method." |
class DebugApplication(Application, ApplicationMixin): |
"Tornado Application supporting werkzeug interactive debugger." |
# This supports get_error_html in Handler above. |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
from werkzeug.debug import DebuggedApplication |
self.debug_app = DebuggedApplication(self.debug_wsgi_app, evalex=True) |
self.debug_container = tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer(self.debug_app) |
super(DebugApplication, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) |
def __call__(self, request): |
if '__debugger__' in request.uri: |
# Do not call get_current_traceback here, as this is a follow-up |
# request from the debugger. DebugHandler loads the traceback. |
return self.debug_container(request) |
return super(DebugApplication, self).__call__(request) |
@classmethod |
def debug_wsgi_app(cls, environ, start_response): |
"Fallback WSGI application, wrapped by werkzeug's debug middleware." |
status = '500 Internal Server Error' |
response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')] |
start_response(status, response_headers) |
return ['Failed to load debugger.\n'] |
def get_current_traceback(self): |
"Get the current Python traceback, keeping stack frames in debug app." |
traceback = get_current_traceback() |
for frame in traceback.frames: |
self.debug_app.frames[frame.id] = frame |
self.debug_app.tracebacks[traceback.id] = traceback |
return traceback |
def get_traceback_renderer_keywords(self): |
"Keep consistent debug app configuration." |
# DebuggedApplication generates a secret for use in interactions. |
# Otherwise, an attacker could inject code into our application. |
# Debugger gives an empty response when secret is not provided. |
return dict(evalex=self.debug_app.evalex, secret=self.debug_app.secret) |
def get_current_traceback(): |
"Get the current traceback in debug mode, using werkzeug debug tools." |
# Lazy import statement, as debugger is only used in development. |
from werkzeug.debug.tbtools import get_current_traceback |
# Experiment with skip argument, to skip stack frames in traceback. |
traceback = get_current_traceback(skip=2, show_hidden_frames=False, |
ignore_system_exceptions=True) |
return traceback |
def create_application(debug=False): |
"Create an instance of the tornado application." |
handlers = [ |
('/', IndexHandler, {'debug': debug}), |
('/error/', BrokenHandler, {'debug': debug}), |
] |
if debug: |
return DebugApplication(handlers, debug=debug) |
return Application(handlers, debug=debug) |
def main(): |
"Provide a command-line interface." |
from tornado.options import define, options, parse_command_line |
define('debug', default=None, type=bool, help='Run in debug mode.') |
define('port', default=8000, type=int, help='Port on which to listen.') |
parse_command_line() |
application = create_application(debug=options.debug) |
application.run(options.port) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
main() |