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Working at home

Aleksandr Dyuzhikov reabiliti

Working at home
  • skype: reabiliti
  • Krasnodar, Russia
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reabiliti / deep_include_matcher.rb
Last active April 21, 2020 15:15 — forked from mltsy/deep_include_matcher.rb
RSpec deep include matcher for nested hashes (ignores order and extra keys/values)
# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec::Matchers.define(:deep_include) do |expected|
# Found there and added some changes
# For example we have some spec:
# expect(query_result).to deep_include(
# tickets: {
# edges: [
# {
# node: {
reabiliti / helper-Strings.js
Created November 1, 2019 10:36 — forked from ruslankonev/helper-Strings.js
JS toCamel, trim, toDash, toUnderscore, capitalize, decapitalize, blankLink, parseURL
String.prototype.toCamel = function(){
return this.replace(/([-_][a-z])/g, function($1){return $1.toUpperCase().replace(/[-_]/,'');});
String.prototype.trim = function(){
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
String.prototype.toDash = function(){
# These are all the cops that are enabled in the default configuration.
- rubocop-rails
- rubocop-performance
- rubocop-rspec
NewCops: enable
"env": {
"es6": true
"extends": "airbnb",
"parser": "babel-eslint",
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaVersion": 2018,
"ecmaFeatures": {
"jsx": true
// Add a 401 response interceptor
window.axios.interceptors.response.use(function (response) {
return response;
}, function (error) {
if (401 === error.response.status) {
title: "Session Expired",
text: "Your session has expired. Would you like to be redirected to the login page?",
type: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
reabiliti /
Last active February 12, 2020 12:23 — forked from ziadoz/
Install Chrome, ChromeDriver and Selenium on Ubuntu 19.04
chmod +x

chmod +x
reabiliti / books_list.txt
Created September 17, 2018 02:57 — forked from fedorkk/books_list.txt
Список книг для обучения
1) Стивен Скиена "Алгоритмы. Руководство по разработке"
2) Томас Кормен "Алгоритмы. Построение и анализ"
3) Дональд Кнут "Искусство программирования" (никто в реальности не читал этот многотомный труд целиком, но в любой подборке по алгоритмам он обязан быть)
1) Род Хаггарти "Дискретная математика для программистов"
2) Керниган, Ритчи "Язык программирования С" - для общего понимания принципов программирования
3) Дж. Андресон "Дискретная математика и комбинаторика"
4) Романовский И.В. "Дискретный анализ"
# by SoAwesomeMan
str =<<-EOS.gsub(/^[\s\t]*|[\s\t]*\n/, '') # no space "\s" for new line "\n"; kill tabs too
select awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome,
from rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad,
where cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool'
# => "select awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome,from rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad, rad,where cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool'"
str =<<-EOS.gsub(/^[\s\t]*/, '').gsub(/[\s\t]*\n/, ' ').strip # yes space "\s" for new line "\n"; kill tabs too
reabiliti / sidekiq.service
Last active April 14, 2022 18:27 — forked from mkhuda/sidekiq.service
Sidekiq service auto start for Ubuntu 18.04 using Systemd
# Sidekiq auto start using systemd unit file for Ubuntu 18.04
# Put this in /lib/systemd/system (Ubuntu).
# Run:
# 1. systemctl enable sidekiq (to enable sidekiq service)
# 2. systemctl {start,stop,restart} sidekiq (to start sidekiq service)
# This file corresponds to a single Sidekiq process. Add multiple copies
# to run multiple processes (sidekiq-1, sidekiq-2, etc).
reabiliti / sources.list
Created August 30, 2018 00:28
Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic default /etc/apt/sources.list
#deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 18.04 LTS _Bionic Beaver_ - Release amd64 (20180426)]/ bionic main restricted
# See for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb bionic main restricted
# deb-src bionic main restricted
## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
## distribution.
deb bionic-updates main restricted