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Created September 12, 2017 20:51
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logger unicode vs utf8 receipe just actually for python2
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = "maverick"
def monkey_patch():
Импортируем модуль logger_monkey_patch и вызываем logger_patch.monkey_patch()
Происходит подмена метода emit в StreamHandler и решается проблема:
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 4-12: ordinal not in range(128)
такого типа строка корректно логируется:
import Codecs
_unicode = Codecs()._unicode
self.__logger.debug("%sKey:%s - Value:%s", ident, _unicode(str(key)), _unicode(str(value)))
Если в левой части лог строки (там где Key и Value будут русские символы),
то не забываем символ 'u' перед строкой:
self.__logger.debug(u"%sKey:%s - Value:%s", ident, _unicode(str(key)), _unicode(str(value)))
def emit(self, record):
Патченная версия emit метода, для решения граблем с ascii encoding/decoding
на момент логирования объектов имеющих смесь локальных и английских символов и
при этом испорльзуется оператор % для сложения строк (внутри StreamHandler)
Emit a record.
If a formatter is specified, it is used to format the record.
The record is then written to the stream with a trailing newline. If
exception information is present, it is formatted using
traceback.print_exception and appended to the stream. If the stream
has an 'encoding' attribute, it is used to determine how to do the
output to the stream.
msg = self.format(record)
stream =
if _unicode:
fs = u"%s\n"
fs = "%s\n"
if not _unicode: #if no unicode support...
stream.write(fs % msg)
if (isinstance(msg, unicode) and getattr(stream, "encoding", None)):
ufs = fs.decode(stream.encoding)
stream.write(ufs % msg)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
# Printing to terminals sometimes fails. For example,
# with an encoding of 'cp1251', the above write will
# work if written to a stream opened or wrapped by
# the codecs module, but fail when writing to a
# terminal even when the codepage is set to cp1251.
# An extra encoding step seems to be needed.
stream.write((ufs % msg).encode(stream.encoding))
stream.write(fs % msg)
except UnicodeError:
stream.write(fs % msg.decode("UTF-8"))
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
_logging = __import__("logging")
_unicode = _logging._unicode
_logging.StreamHandler.emit = emit
except Exception:
# скрытие исключение не ошибка - фича!
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