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Created October 30, 2014 09:17
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(ns slack-nag.core
(:require [clj-http.client :as client]
[ :as json])
;; RB env vars
(def ^:private rb-url (delay (System/getenv "RB_URL")))
(def ^:private rb-user (delay (System/getenv "RB_USER")))
(def ^:private rb-password (delay (System/getenv "RB_PASSWORD")))
;; Slack env vars
(def ^:private slack-token (delay (System/getenv "SLACK_TOKEN")))
(def ^:const slack-api-base-url "")
;; RB session id needs to be updated every now and then (it expires).
(def rb-session-id (atom nil))
(def cs (clj-http.cookies/cookie-store))
(defn get-slack-users
"Returns JSON list of slack users."
(hiccup.util/with-base-url slack-api-base-url
(let [url-with-qs (hiccup.util/url "/users.list" {:token @slack-token})]
(client/get (hiccup.util/to-str url-with-qs)
{:content-type :json
:throw-exceptions false
:as :json}))))
(defn get-rb-sessionid
(let [url (hiccup.util/url @rb-url "/api/review-requests/")]
(client/get (hiccup.util/to-str url)
{:throw-exceptions false
:cookie-store cs
:basic-auth [@rb-url @rb-password]})
(:value (get (clj-http.cookies/get-cookies cs) "rbsessionid"))
(defn get-review-requests
(hiccup.util/with-base-url @rb-url
(let [url (hiccup.util/url "/api/review-requests/")]
(client/get (hiccup.util/to-str url)
{:cookies {:rbsessionid {:value @rb-session-id}}
:throw-exceptions false
(defn -main
"I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
[& args]
(reset! rb-session-id (get-rb-sessionid))
(println @rb-session-id)
(println (get-review-requests))))
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