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ream88 / toggle.ex
Last active January 30, 2025 13:28
A Phoenix LiveView toggle
defmodule AppWeb.Toggle do
@moduledoc false
use AppWeb, :live_component
attr :name, :string, required: true
attr :checked, :boolean, required: true
def toggle(assigns) do
assigns = assign_new(assigns, :id, fn %{name: name} -> "toggle_#{name}" end)
~H|<.live_component module={__MODULE__} {assigns} />|
ream88 / sse.exs
Created October 30, 2023 21:03
A compact Bandit HTTP server capable of replaying SSE events, such as those generated by ChatGPT
{:bandit, ">= 1.0.0"}
defmodule SSE do
use Plug.Builder
require Logger
def init(options), do: options
ream88 / chaos_server.exs
Last active February 16, 2023 14:03
Run it via: CHAOS=100 ./chaos_server.exs
#!/usr/bin/env elixir
# This is a small HTTP server that accepts requests and is designed to randomly
# fail, allowing other software to be tested for robustness.
{:bandit, "~> 0.6.8"},
{:plug, "~> 1.14"}
ream88 / move_number.exs
Created January 11, 2023 11:47
Move Twilio Phone Numbers between subaccounts
Mix.install([{:req, "~> 0.3.4"}])
defmodule MoveNumber do
@spec move(keyword()) :: nil
def move(opts) do
# Validate the keyword list
opts =
Keyword.validate!(opts, [
ream88 / favro-export.exs
Created October 25, 2022 10:42
A small Elixir script that exports Favro collections and associated cards as JSON files
{:jason, "~> 1.4"},
{:req, "~> 0.3.1"},
{:zarex, "~> 1.0"}
organization_id = "INSERT_ORGANIZATION_ID"
email = "INSERT_EMAIL"
api_token = "INSERT_API_TOKEN"
ream88 / url.ex
Last active April 8, 2022 08:56
Convert a Zoom link into a zoomus:// link
#!/usr/bin/env elixir
[url] = System.argv()
%URI{path: "/j/" <> confno} = url = URI.parse(url)
|> Map.update!(:query, fn query ->
|> URI.decode_query()
|> Map.merge(%{action: "join", confno: confno})
ream88 / twilio_json_response_to_xml.ex
Created March 30, 2022 16:24
Convert Twilio JSON responses to XML
#!/usr/bin/env elixir
[input] = System.argv()
defmodule Helper do
ream88 / index.html
Created September 23, 2021 07:22
Drop this into any website to play around with #Safari15 themed tabs!
<meta name="theme-color" content="#29B8FF" />
<input type="color" value="#29B8FF" id="colorPicker" />
const colorPicker = document.getElementById("colorPicker")
colorPicker.addEventListener("change", function() {
.setAttribute("content", colorPicker.value)
ream88 / simplify_tracker_blocking.js
Created March 4, 2021 16:34
List of email spy pixels blocked by Simplify Gmail as of Feb 28, 2021
const trackers = {
"": "",
"": "\\/open.aspx",
"": "lt.php(.*)\\?l=open",
"": "\\/q\\/",
"": "mkt\\d{4,5}.com/open",
"": [
ream88 / tracker_blocking.rb
Created March 4, 2021 16:34 — forked from dhh/tracker_blocking.rb
Current list of spy pixels named'n'shamed in HEY, as of April 23, 2020
module Entry::TrackerBlocking
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
has_many :blocked_trackers
email_service_blockers = {
"ActiveCampaign" => /lt\.php(.*)?l\=open/,
"AWeber" => "",