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Created October 17, 2024 15:30
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Naive BKTree implementation in Haskell
module Data.BKTree where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Text.Printf
data BKTreeData d a where
Node :: a -> [(d, BKTreeData d a)] -> BKTreeData d a
deriving Show
insertWithMetric :: (Eq d, Num d) => (a -> a -> d) -> a -> BKTreeData d a -> BKTreeData d a
insertWithMetric metric val t@(Node nodeVal children)
| distance == 0 = t
| otherwise =
let children' = go children
in Node nodeVal children'
distance = metric val nodeVal
go [] = [(distance, Node val [])]
go ((distance', n):rest)
| distance' == distance = (distance', insertWithMetric metric val n) : rest
| otherwise = (distance', n) : go rest
lookupWith :: (Ord d, Num d) => (a -> a -> d) -> a -> BKTreeData d a -> Maybe (a, d)
lookupWith metric val t =
(Node nodeVal children) = t
distance = metric val nodeVal
egressNodes = candidateEgressNodes distance distance children
in Just $ lookup' nodeVal distance egressNodes
candidateEgressNodes currentDistance bestDistance children =
[childNode | (childDistance, childNode) <- children, childDistance - currentDistance < bestDistance]
lookup' bestVal bestDistance [] = (bestVal, bestDistance)
lookup' bestVal bestDistance searchNodes =
let (bestVal', bestDistance', egressNodes) = foldr filterNodes (bestVal, bestDistance, []) searchNodes
in lookup' bestVal' bestDistance' egressNodes
filterNodes (Node nodeVal children) (bestVal, bestDistance, egressNodes) =
distance = metric nodeVal val
(bestVal', bestDistance') =
if distance < bestDistance
then (nodeVal, distance)
else (bestVal, bestDistance)
egressNodes' = egressNodes <> candidateEgressNodes distance bestDistance' children
in (bestVal', bestDistance', egressNodes')
data BKTree d a = BKTree { bkTreeMetric :: a -> a -> d, bkTree :: Maybe (BKTreeData d a) }
empty :: (a -> a -> d) -> BKTree d a
empty metric = BKTree metric Nothing
singleton :: (a -> a -> d) -> a -> BKTree d a
singleton metric a = BKTree metric (Just $ Node a [])
insert :: (Eq d, Num d) => a -> BKTree d a -> BKTree d a
insert a (BKTree metric t) = BKTree metric (Just t')
t' = maybe (Node a []) (insertWithMetric metric a) t
insertList :: (Eq d, Num d) => [a] -> BKTree d a -> BKTree d a
insertList as t = foldl (flip insert) t as
fromList :: (Eq d, Num d) => (a -> a -> d) -> [a] -> BKTree d a
fromList metric [] = empty metric
fromList metric (a:as) = insertList as $ singleton metric a
bestMatch :: (Ord d, Num d) => a -> BKTree d a -> Maybe (a, d)
bestMatch a (BKTree metric t) = t >>= lookupWith metric a
ppTree :: (Show d, Show a) => BKTree d a -> String
ppTree (BKTree _ Nothing) = "digraph BKTree {}"
ppTree (BKTree _ (Just t)) =
let body = unlines $ graphBody t
in unlines ["digraph BKTree {", body, "}"]
graphBody (Node nodeVal children) =
let nodeText = printf "%s;" (show nodeVal)
nodeEdges = makeEdge nodeVal <$> children
in nodeText : nodeEdges <> concatMap (graphBody . snd) children
makeEdge nodeVal (d, Node childName _) =
printf "%s -> %s [label=\"%s\"];" (show nodeVal) (show childName) (show d)
levenshteinDistance :: String -> String -> Int
levenshteinDistance stringA stringB =
lookupEditDistance 0 0
distances =
map (\idxA -> map (getEditDistance idxA) [0..bLen]) [0..aLen]
lookupEditDistance idxA idxB =
distances !! idxA !! idxB
aLen = length stringA
bLen = length stringB
getEditDistance idxA idxB
| idxA == aLen = bLen - idxB
| idxB == bLen = aLen - idxA
| stringA !! idxA == stringB !! idxB =
lookupEditDistance (idxA + 1) (idxB + 1)
| otherwise =
deleteCost = lookupEditDistance (idxA + 1) idxB
insertCost = lookupEditDistance idxA (idxB + 1)
swapCost = lookupEditDistance (idxA + 1) (idxB + 1)
in 1 + minimum [deleteCost, insertCost, swapCost]
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