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Last active November 23, 2015 21:43
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from import App
from kivy.clock import Clock
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from import Color, Line
import random, time
import queue, threading
class FFTGraph(Widget):
def draw_graph(self, dt):
samples = self.sound_queue.get(timeout=0.1)
except queue.Empty:
# Normalize the samples from screen_height to 0:
height = self.size[1]
samples = [ height - int(s * height) for s in samples ]
# Transform the samples into [(x, y),...] coords:
lines = list(zip(range(len(samples)), samples))
# Flatten the list:
points = [ n for coord in lines for n in coord ]
# Put it on the screen
with self.canvas:
Color(1., 1., 0)
Line(points=points, width=1)
class TestApp(App):
def build(self):
fft = FFTGraph()
fft.sound_queue = self.sound_queue
Clock.schedule_interval(fft.draw_graph, 1 / 30.)
return fft
def play_sound(fft_queue):
frame_count = 1
while True:
# Fetch audio chunk
fft_bins = [] #...
# Put frame in the queue as often as we want to draw it:
if frame_count == 200:
count = 1
# 512 samples of amplitude between 0 and 1:
fft_bins = [ random.random() for r in range(512) ]
# If .put is too slow for audio, try put_nowait() instead
# Pipe audio to sound card
time.sleep(1.0 / 8000)
frame_count += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Build the kivy app and pass in our Queue for sending fft bins:
app = TestApp()
app.sound_queue = queue.Queue()
# Set up our audio playing thread
stream = threading.Thread(target=play_sound, args=(app.sound_queue,))
stream.daemon = True
# Kick off the GUI event loop
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