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Last active August 25, 2018 22:07
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5e ability score generation
// Requires Swift 4.2. Compile with `swiftc -O abilityGen.swift`. Run with ./abilityGen <type> > <output.csv>
import Foundation
let costs = [
8: 0,
9: 1,
10: 2,
11: 3,
12: 4,
13: 5,
14: 7,
15: 9
func randomAbilityScores() -> [Int] {
let randomScore = { (8..<15).randomElement()! }
let result = sequence(first: randomScore(), next: { _ in randomScore() })
return Array(result)
func pointBuyCost(for abilityScores: [Int]) -> Int {
return abilityScores.reduce(0) { $0 + costs[$1]! }
enum Direction {
case back, forth
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Element: Comparable & Numeric {
func neighbors(boundedBy bounds: ClosedRange<Element>) -> [Self] {
var result: [Self] = []
for (index, value) in zip(self.indices, self) {
for (neighborIndex, neighborValue) in zip(self.indices, self) where neighborIndex != index && neighborValue < bounds.upperBound {
var neighbor = Self()
let next: Index
if neighborIndex < index {
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[self.startIndex..<neighborIndex])
neighbor.append(neighborValue + 1)
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[self.index(after: neighborIndex)..<index])
next = self.index(after: index)
} else {
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[self.startIndex..<index])
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[self.index(after: index)..<neighborIndex])
neighbor.append(neighborValue + 1)
next = self.index(after: neighborIndex)
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[next..<self.endIndex])
for (index, value) in zip(self.indices, self) {
for (neighborIndex, neighborValue) in zip(self.indices, self) where neighborIndex != index && neighborValue > bounds.lowerBound {
var neighbor = Self()
let next: Index
if neighborIndex < index {
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[self.startIndex..<neighborIndex])
neighbor.append(neighborValue - 1)
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[self.index(after: neighborIndex)..<index])
next = self.index(after: index)
} else {
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[self.startIndex..<index])
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[self.index(after: index)..<neighborIndex])
neighbor.append(neighborValue - 1)
next = self.index(after: neighborIndex)
neighbor.append(contentsOf: self[next..<self.endIndex])
return result
func fitToPointBuy(startingFrom abilityScores: [Int], target: Int) -> [Int] {
precondition(abilityScores.count == 6)
var score = pointBuyCost(for: abilityScores)
guard score != target else {
return abilityScores
var result = abilityScores
repeat {
let candidates = result.neighbors(boundedBy: 8...15)
.filter {
let cost = pointBuyCost(for: $0)
if score < target {
return cost >= score
} else {
return cost <= score
result = candidates.randomElement()!
score = pointBuyCost(for: result)
} while score != target
let indices = result.indices
let big = indices.randomElement()!
let small = indices.filter { $0 != big }.randomElement()!
result[big] += 2
result[small] += 1
return result
func randomAbilityScoresPF25e() -> [Int] {
var result = [Int](repeating: 10, count: 6)
let indices = result.indices
// Apply background boost
result[indices.randomElement()!] += 2
// Apply racial boosts
let big = indices.randomElement()!
let small = indices.filter { $0 != big }.randomElement()!
result[big] += 2
result[small] += 1
// Apply class boost
result[indices.randomElement()!] += 2
// Apply three free boosts
let freeBoosts = indices.shuffled().dropFirst(3)
freeBoosts.forEach { result[$0] += 2 }
return result
func randomAbilityScoresPF2() -> [Int] {
var result = [Int](repeating: 10, count: 6)
let indices = result.indices
// Apply background boosts
let firstBG = indices.randomElement()!
let secondBG = indices.filter { $0 != firstBG }.randomElement()!
result[firstBG] += 2
result[secondBG] += 2
// Apply racial boosts
let first = indices.randomElement()!
let second = indices.filter { $0 != first }.randomElement()!
let third = indices.filter { $0 != first && $0 != second }.randomElement()!
result[first] += 2
result[second] += 2
result[third] += 2
result[indices.randomElement()!] -= 2
// Apply class boost
result[indices.randomElement()!] += 2
// Apply four free boosts
let freeBoosts = indices.shuffled().dropFirst(2)
freeBoosts.forEach { result[$0] += 2 }
return result
func randomAbilityScoresPF2Custom() -> [Int] {
var result = [Int](repeating: 10, count: 6)
let indices = result.indices
// Apply background boost
result[indices.randomElement()!] += 2
// Apply racial boosts
let big = indices.randomElement()!
let free = indices.filter { $0 != big }.randomElement()!
result[big] += 2
result[free] += 2
result[indices.randomElement()!] -= 2
// Apply class boost
result[indices.randomElement()!] += 2
// Apply three free boosts
let freeBoosts = indices.shuffled().dropFirst(3)
freeBoosts.forEach { result[$0] += 2 }
return result
func printUsageAndQuit() -> Never {
print("./abilityGen 5e|pf2|pf2-5e|custom")
let genFn: () -> [Int]
guard CommandLine.arguments.count > 1 else {
switch CommandLine.arguments[1] {
case "5e":
genFn = { fitToPointBuy(startingFrom: randomAbilityScores(), target: 27) }
case "pf2-5e":
genFn = randomAbilityScoresPF25e
case "pf2":
genFn = randomAbilityScoresPF2
case "custom":
genFn = randomAbilityScoresPF2Custom
for _ in 1 ... 1_000_000 {
let abilityScores = genFn().sorted()
print(abilityScores[0], abilityScores[1], abilityScores[2], abilityScores[3], abilityScores[4], abilityScores[5], separator: ",")
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