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Last active August 29, 2018 19:13
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Save reclosedev/5222560 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
JSON parser implementation using + simple demo and benchmark.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import ast
from parsimonious.grammar import Grammar
from parsimonious.nodes import NodeVisitor
json_syntax = r'''
json_file = ws? json ws?
json = object / array
object = "{" members "}"
members = member_and_comma* member
member_and_comma = member comma
member = ws? string ws? ":" value
array = "[" values "]"
values = value_and_comma* value
value_and_comma = value comma
value = ws? (true / false / object / array / number / string / null) ws?
true = "true"
false = "false"
null = "null"
number = ~r"-?(0|([1-9][0-9]*))(\.[0-9]+)?([Ee][+-][0-9]+)?"
string = ~"\"[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*\""is
ws = ~r"\s+"
comma = ws? "," ws?
grammar = Grammar(json_syntax)
class JsonVisitor(NodeVisitor):
""" Produces Python objects from parsed JSON grammar tree
def generic_visit(self, node, visited_children):
return visited_children or node
# helper functions for generic patterns
def combine_many_or_one(self, node, (members, member)):
""" Usable for following pattern:
values = value_and_comma* value
if isinstance(members, list):
return members + [member]
return [member]
def lift_first_child(self, node, visited_children):
""" Returns first child from `visited_children`, e.g. for::
rule = item optional another_optional?
returns `item`
return visited_children[0]
# visitors
visit_json = lift_first_child
def visit_json_file(self, node, (eol1, json_, eol)):
return json_
def visit_object(self, node, (cb1, members, cb2)):
return dict(members)
def visit_array(self, node, (cb1, values, cb2)):
return values
visit_member_and_comma = visit_value_and_comma = lift_first_child
visit_values = visit_members = combine_many_or_one
def visit_member(self, node, (_1, name, _2, colon, value)):
return name, value
def visit_value(self, node, (_1, value, _2)):
return value[0]
def visit_string(self, node, visited_children):
# produce unicode for strings
return ast.literal_eval("u" + node.text)
def visit_number(self, node, visited_children):
return ast.literal_eval(node.text)
def visit_true(self, node, visited_children):
return True
def visit_false(self, node, visited_children):
return False
def visit_null(self, node, visited_children):
return None
def loads(s):
""" Simulates json.loads() without additional parameters
tree = grammar.parse(s)
return JsonVisitor().visit(tree)
# And here some tests and benchmarks
tests = [
"asdf", 1, 2, 3, 2.7, true, false, null] ''',
'{"single": "member"}',
'''{"asdf": 123, "zxcv": 456, "qwe": [1, 2, 3.42]}''',
'''{"asdf": 123, "zxv": true, "qwe": false}''',
"asdf": "test",
"zxv": -1,
"hello world": "\u041f\u0440\u0438\u0432\u0435\u0442 \u043c\u0438\u0440!",
"inner": {
"ghg": 321,
"test": [1, 2, 3]
[0, -1, 0],
[1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1]
"name": "Jack (\"Bee\") Nimble\n\t\b",
"format": {
"type": "rect",
"width": 1920,
"height": 1080,
"interlace": false,
"frame rate": 24
import json
import timeit
def main():
NUMBER = 1000
for test in tests:
result = loads(test)
assert result == json.loads(test)
t_ours = timeit.timeit(lambda: loads(test), number=NUMBER)
t_json = timeit.timeit(lambda: json.loads(test), number=NUMBER)
print("It is {0:.3f} ({1:.3f}/{2:.3f}) times slower\n".format(
t_ours / t_json, t_ours, t_json))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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goodmami commented Aug 29, 2018

Two bugs I've found:

  • Tuple-argument unpacking was removed in Python 3, so this code only works for Python 2; unpacking the tuple parameters within the method body works fine
  • The float pattern fails to parse a number like -0.14e3 because the pattern requires + or - after e. It should be optional, which is interpreted as +.
  • It doesn't seem to parse empty objects or arrays ({"a": {}, "b": []})

edit: added another bullet point

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Regarding the first problem, it seems you were already aware: erikrose/parsimonious#14 (comment)

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