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Last active October 14, 2020 14:52
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  • Save redbug312/18836babd6167de76a46ace8c27a3ea0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save redbug312/18836babd6167de76a46ace8c27a3ea0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bubble chart in Gnuplot. Visualize GABA oolong tea with GC/MS analysis, as the final report for Introduction of Analysis in Tea Quality (2019)
#Peak RT Area% Name Quality Odor Odor-encode
12 5.88 0.90 Furfural 90 Medium bready 2 #de795f
24 8.80 1.65 Benzaldehyde 97 High fruity 3 #de5f83
25 9.09 0.30 Benzaldehyde 94 High fruity 3 #de5f83
27 9.47 0.45 Methyl_heptenone 97 Medium citric 2 #f0c674
29 9.69 0.83 (E,E)-2,4-heptadienal 94 High fatty 3 #b8baac
34 10.50 0.36 Dipentene 92 Medium citric 2 #f0c674
35 10.61 2.57 Benzyl_alcohol 98 Medium floral 2 #b283bd
43 12.17 2.64 Linalool 97 Medium floral 2 #b283bd
45 12.48 3.06 Phenethyl_alcohol 97 Medium floral 2 #b283bd
48 12.88 0.77 1,5,8-para-menthatriene 91 High roasted 3 #b88865
53 13.53 0.69 (E)-2-nonenal 92 High fatty 3 #b8baac
60 14.35 2.25 Methyl_salicylate 97 Medium minty 2 #77b865
66 14.95 0.73 Beta-cyclocitral 96 High tropical 3 #b8baac
73 15.63 3.92 Geraniol 95 Medium floral 2 #b283bd
87 17.14 0.79 Decane 90 none none 0 #000000
92 17.55 0.56 Decane 90 none none 0 #000000
93 17.61 0.58 Butyl_octanol 90 none none 0 #000000
103 18.61 1.29 Tetradecane 94 none none 0 #000000
108 19.23 0.59 Alpha-ionone 95 Medium floral 2 #b283bd
123 20.82 0.45 Butylated-hydroxytoluene 99 Low phenoric 1 #b8baac
130 21.73 0.88 (E)-nerolidol 90 Low floral 1 #b283bd
134 22.19 0.15 Cyclotetradecane 97 none none 0 #000000
138 23.33 0.06 1-hexadecene 94 none none 0 #000000
140 23.84 0.02 Cyclododecane 94 none none 0 #000000
#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot
# set title 'Histogram of disconnction time'
set key off
set terminal pngcairo font 'Liberation' truecolor size 1200, 400
set output 'gaba.png'
set style data points
set border lw 1 lc rgb '#555555'
set tics tc rgb '#555555'
set xlabel 'RT (min)' tc rgb '#555555'
set ylabel 'Area (%)' tc rgb '#555555'
red(colorstring)= colorstring[2:3]
rgb(r,g,b) = 65536*int(r)+256*int(g)+int(b)
set arrow from 0,2 to 25,2 nohead dt 2
set arrow from 10.55,0 to 10.55,5 nohead dt 2
set arrow from 16.38,0 to 16.38,5 nohead dt 2
set arrow from 0.4,4.7 to 1.4,4.7 lw 5 lt rgb "#de795f" nohead
set arrow from 0.4,4.4 to 1.4,4.4 lw 5 lt rgb "#de5f83" nohead
set arrow from 0.4,4.1 to 1.4,4.1 lw 5 lt rgb "#f0c674" nohead
set arrow from 0.4,3.8 to 1.4,3.8 lw 5 lt rgb "#b283bd" nohead
set arrow from 0.4,3.5 to 1.4,3.5 lw 5 lt rgb "#b88865" nohead
set arrow from 0.4,3.2 to 1.4,3.2 lw 5 lt rgb "#77b865" nohead
set arrow from 0.4,2.9 to 1.4,2.9 lw 5 lt rgb "#b8baac" nohead
set label 1 'Bready' at 1.5,4.7 tc rgb '#555555'
set label 2 'Fruity' at 1.5,4.4 tc rgb '#555555'
set label 3 'Citric' at 1.5,4.1 tc rgb '#555555'
set label 4 'Floral' at 1.5,3.8 tc rgb '#555555'
set label 5 'Roasted' at 1.5,3.5 tc rgb '#555555'
set label 6 'Minty' at 1.5,3.2 tc rgb '#555555'
set label 7 'Others' at 1.5,2.9 tc rgb '#555555'
plot [0:25][0:5] 'gaba.dat' using ($8>0?$2:1/0):3:($8*3):(hex(stringcolumn(9))) pt 6 lw 5 ps var lc rgb var
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Result (using gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 8)

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