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Created August 6, 2014 02:09
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public class Blob
private readonly int offset = 0;
private Vector<float> _data;
private Vector<float> _diff;
public Vector<float> Data
if (this.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Blob not initialized yet. You need to reshape it with a non zero size.");
return _data;
private set
_data = value;
public Vector<float> Diff
if (this.Count == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Blob not initialized yet. You need to reshape it with a non zero size.");
return _diff;
private set
this._diff = value;
public Blob() : this(0, 0, 0, 0)
{ }
public Blob( Blob blob )
Guard.That(() => blob).IsNotNull();
public Blob(int num, int channels, int height, int width)
Reshape(num, channels, height, width);
protected Blob(Blob other, int current)
Guard.That(() => current).IsLessThan(other.Num);
this.Num = 1;
this.Channels = other.Channels;
this.Height = other.Height;
this.Width = other.Width;
this.Data = other.Data;
this.Diff = other.Diff;
this.offset = current * Count;
public void Reshape(int num, int channels, int height, int width)
Guard.That(() => num).IsNatural();
Guard.That(() => channels).IsNatural();
Guard.That(() => height).IsNatural();
Guard.That(() => width).IsNatural();
this.Num = num;
this.Channels = channels;
this.Height = height;
this.Width = width;
if ( this.Count != 0 )
this.Data = Vector<float>.Build.Dense(this.Count);
this.Diff = Vector<float>.Build.Dense(this.Count);
this.Data = null;
this.Diff = null;
public void ReshapeAs( Blob other )
this.Reshape(other.Num, other.Channels, other.Height, other.Width);
public int Num { get; private set; }
public int Channels { get; private set; }
public int Height { get; private set; }
public int Width { get; private set; }
public int Count
get { return this.Num * this.Channels * this.Height * this.Width; }
public int Offset ( int n, int c = 0, int h = 0, int w = 0 )
ValidateAccessParameters(n, c, h, w);
return ((n * this.Channels + c) * this.Height + h) * this.Width + w + offset;
public float DataAt(int i)
return this.Data.At(i + offset);
public float DiffAt(int i)
return this.Diff.At(i + offset);
public float DataAt(int n, int c, int h, int w)
ValidateAccessParameters(n, c, h, w);
return this.Data.At(Offset(n, c, h, w));
public float DiffAt(int n, int c, int h, int w )
ValidateAccessParameters(n, c, h, w);
return this.Diff.At(Offset(n, c, h, w));
#region Validation methods
private void ValidateAccessParameters(int n, int c, int h, int w)
Guard.That(() => n).IsInRange(0, this.Num);
Guard.That(() => c).IsLessOrEqualThan(this.Channels);
Guard.That(() => h).IsLessOrEqualThan(this.Height);
Guard.That(() => w).IsLessOrEqualThan(this.Width);
private void ValidateAccessParameters(int i)
Guard.That(() => i).IsInRange(0, this.Count);
public void CopyFrom ( Blob other, bool copyDiff = false, bool reshape = false)
// If reshaping needed we reshape the instance with new memory.
if ( reshape )
// We copy the data
other.Data.CopyTo( this.Data );
// If copying differential is needed, we copy it too.
if (copyDiff)
public IEnumerable<Blob> GetFeatures ()
for (int i = 0; i < this.Num; i++)
yield return new Blob(this, i);
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