Here's a tool to download Solaris time machine data.
pip3 install typer requests
python3 -e -p -g -o
# build wine Docker image | |
pushd wine; docker build -t wine .; popd | |
# build x11 Docker image for IDA | |
pushd ida; docker build -t wine/ida .; popd | |
# demonstrate x11 forwarding works | |
docker run -ti --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix wine/ida xclock | |
# interactive shell in container |
import binaryninja | |
import threading | |
import typing | |
import logging | |
import rpyc | |
import rpyc.utils.helpers | |
import rpyc.utils.server | |
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: | |
import rpyc.core.protocol |
# A cross-decompiler collaboration plugin | |
# @author BinSync Team | |
# @category Collaboration | |
# @menupath Tools.BinSync.Start UI... | |
import os | |
plugin_command = "binsync -s ghidra" | |
import sys | |
def getvals(path): | |
lines = open(path, "r").readlines() | |
lst = [] | |
for line in lines: | |
line = line.strip() | |
if len(line) >= 10: |
// | |
// main.m | |
// EndpointSecurityDemo | |
// | |
// Created by Omar Ikram on 17/06/2019 - macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 1 (19A471t) | |
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 15/08/2019 - macOS Catalina 10.15 Beta 5 (19A526h) | |
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 01/12/2019 - macOS Catalina 10.15 (19A583) | |
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 31/01/2021 - macOS Big Sur 11.1 (20C69) | |
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 07/05/2021 - macOS Big Sur 11.3.1 (20E241) | |
// Updated by Omar Ikram on 04/07/2021 - macOS Monterey 12 Beta 2 (21A5268h) |
// To compile: clang++ -arch x86_64 -arch arm64 -std=c++20 library_injector.cpp -lbsm -lEndpointSecurity -o library_injector, | |
// then codesign with and run the | |
// program as root. | |
#include <EndpointSecurity/EndpointSecurity.h> | |
#include <algorithm> | |
#include <array> | |
#include <bsm/libbsm.h> | |
#include <cstdint> | |
#include <cstdlib> |
Here's a tool to download Solaris time machine data.
pip3 install typer requests
python3 -e -p -g -o
import re | |
import bpy | |
scene = bpy.context.scene | |
scene.cycles.device = "GPU" | |
prefs = bpy.context.preferences | |
prefs.addons["cycles"].preferences.get_devices() | |
cprefs = prefs.addons["cycles"].preferences |
import bpy | |
def enable_gpus(device_type, use_cpus=False): | |
preferences = bpy.context.preferences | |
cycles_preferences = preferences.addons["cycles"].preferences | |
cuda_devices, opencl_devices = cycles_preferences.get_devices() | |
if device_type == "CUDA": | |
devices = cuda_devices |