The main goal is to implement a GPU driven renderer for Godot 4.x. This is a renderer that happens entirely on GPU (no CPU Dispatches during opaque pass).
Additionally, this is a renderer that relies exclusively on raytracing (and a base raster pass aided by raytracing).
It is important to make a note that we dont want to implement a GPU driven renderer similar to that of AAA/Unreal, as example. We want to implement it in a way that allows us to retain full and complete flexibility in the rendering pipeline and in a way that it is simple and easy to maintain.
Roughly, a GPU render pass would work more or less like this:
- Frustum/Occlusion cull depth: This would be done using raytracing on a small screen buffer. As such, throwing a small amount of rays to generate a depth buffer.
- Occlusion cull lists: All objects will be culled against the small depth buffer. Objects that pass are placed in a special list per material.
- Opaque render: Objects are rendered in multiple passes to a G-Buffer (deferred) by executing every shader in the scene together with their specific indirect draw list. This follows the logic of the Rendering Compositor, providing the same flexibility for different kind of effects, stencil, custom buffers, etc.
- Light cull: Lights are culled against the depth buffer to determine which lights that are rendered per pixel and which need shadow.
- Shadow tracing: Shadows are traced using raytracing to the respective pixels on screen.
- GI Pass: Reflections and GI are processed also using raytracing. GI of objects off-screen is done with material textures (material rendered to a low res texture).
- Decal Pass: Decals are rendered into the G-Buffer.
- Volumetric Fog: Volumetric fog is processed like in the current renderer, except that instead of tapping shadow maps, raytracing is used.
- Light Pass: Finally, a pass adding lights is applied and reading the proper shadows.
- Subsurface Scatter Pass: A pass to post-process subsurface scatter must be done after the light pass.
- Alpha Pass: Transparency pass is done at the end. This is done using regular Z-Sorted draw calls, CPU driven.
Q: Why do we use smaller resolution raytracing for occlusion culling and not visibility lists?
A: Visibility lists take away flexibility from the opaque passes. They require rendering objects in specific order, while opaque passes do not.
Q: Do we not have small occluder problem using raytraced occlusion?
A: Yes, but in practice this does not really matter. Roughly more than 99% of scenes work fine.
Q: Why using raytraced shadows only, is it not better to support shadow mapping?
A: We need to check depending on performance, but worst case an hybrid technique can be explored.
The first pass has to be discarding objects based on visibility. Frustum cull will discard objects not visible in the camera. A depth buffer will be created using raytracing, basically used for base occlussion. Objects will be tested against it and also discarded.
Keep in mind that a relatively large depth buffer can be used thanks to raytracing, because the depth buffer can be reprojected from the previous frame and only the places with missing rays can re-cast.
The list of objects passing must be sorted by shader type, in an indirect draw list fashion. Materials for all shaders of a given type will be found in an array, textures will be indices to a large array of textures instead of actual textures.
This can be achievable relatively easily using a compute shader that counts all the objects of each shader type first, then assigns their offset in a large array, then creates the indirect draw lists for each shader.
My thinking here is that, as we will eventually have mesh streaming and these will by default more or less be separated into meshlets anyway (for the purpose of streaming), those could be rendered with a special shader that culls them in more detail (maybe mesh shader), while regular objects (non streamed) go via the regular vertex shader path.
Opaque rendering happens by executing all shaders basically with indirect rendering. Because in the compositor proposal, shaders are assigned to subpasses, it is easy to have a system where the compositor still works despite the GPU driven nature.
Additionally, depending on what a material renders (visibility mask, emission, custom lighting, etc). We can also take advantage to do this and render in multiple render passes to different G-Buffer configurations.
The bindless implementation should be relatively simple to do. Textures can go in a simple:
uniform texture2D textures[MAX_TEXTURES];
For vertex arrays, vertex pulling can be implemented using utextureBuffer for vertex buffers:
uniform utextureBuffer textures[MAX_TEXTURES];
And the vertex format decoded on demand. Vertex pulling of a custom format would probably not be super efficient, but the following needs to be taken into consideration:
- Most meshes will be compressed (meaning they use only one format, hence vertex pulling will be very efficient).
- In a larger game most static meshes would most likely be also streamed anyway and the format will be fixated, the vertex pulling code for most of the vertex buffers should be very efficient too.
With the depth buffer completed, it is possible to do light culling and assigment of visible lights. This can be done using the current clustering code. Alternatively, an unified structure like that of raytracing can be used (possibly hash grid?).
Shadows can be traced in this pass. It is possible not all positional lights with shadows need to be processed every frame, as temporal supersampling can aid improving the performance of this.
We need to check a GI technique, or offer the user different GI techniques based on performance/quality ratio, such as GI 1.0 to full path tracing.
For materials, we should probably just render most materials to a small texture (128x128) and use this information for GI bounces.
As we are using a G-Buffer, a decal pass is probably a lot more optimal to do by just rastering the decals to it.
Volumetric fog should work identically to what we have now, except instead of using shadow mapping, we can just raytrace from the points to test occlusion.
The light pass should be almost the same as in our (future) deferred renderer.
This should work similar to how it works now.
Because we don´t have shadow mapping, alpha pass needs to happen a bit different. The idea here is to use light pre-pass style rendering on the alpha side.
Basically, a 64-bit G-Buffer is used for alpha that looks like this: uint obj_index : 18; uint metallic : 7; uint roughness : 7; rg16 obj_normal; // encoded as octahedral
Added to this, a "incrment_texture" image texture in uint format that is half resolution format.
Alpha is done in two passes. The first pass is objects that are lit, sorted from back to front. Unshaded objects are skipped.
The following code is run in the shader:
// This piece of code ensures that depth buffer writes are rotated across a block of 2x3 pixels.
uvec2 group_coord = gl_fragCoord.xy >> uvec2(1); // group is the block of 2x2 pixels
uvec2 store_coord;
vec2 combined_roughness_metallic;
vec3 combined_normal;
bool store = false;
while (true) {
// Of all active in subgroup, find first broadcast ID.
uvec2 first = subgroupBroadcastFirst(gl_fragCoord.xy);
// Get the group (block of 2x2 pixels) of the first
uvec2 first_group = first >> uvec2(1);
uvec2 store_coord;
if (first == gl_fragCoord.xy) {
// If the first broadcast ID, increment the atomic counter and get the value.
// the store_index is a value from 0 to 3, representing the pixel in the 2x2 block.
uint index = imageAtomicAdd(increment_texture,first_group >> 1 ,1) & 0x3;
store_coord = group + uvec2(index&1,index>>1);
// Broadcast the store index
store_coord = subgroupBroadcastFirst(store_coord);
if (first_group == group) {
// If this pixel is part of the group being stored, then only store the relevant one
// and discard the rest. This ensures that every write rotates the pixel in the 2x2 block.
// Combined rm and normal of all 4 pixels
vec3 crm = subgroupAdd(vec3(roughness,metallic,1.0);
combined_roughness_metallic = crm.rg / cr.b;
combined_normal = normalize( subgroupAdd(normal) );
// Determine if the pixel that needs to be written actually is preset (may not be part of the primitive)
bool write_exists = bool(subgroupAdd(uint( gl_fragCoord.xy == store_coord )));
if (write_exists) {
store = store_coord == gl_fragCoord.xy;
} else {
store = first == gl_fragCoord.xy;
// Store G-Buffer
// It is important to _not_ use discard in this shader, to ensure early Z works and gets rid of unwanted writes.
if (store) {
uint store_obj_rough_metallic = object_id;
store_obj_rough_metallic |= clamp(uint(combined_roughness_metallic.r * 127),0,127) << 18;
store_obj_rough_metallic |= clamp(uint(combined_roughness_metallic.g * 127),0,127) << 25;
imageStore(obj_id_metal_roughness_tex, store_coord, store_obj_rough_metallic);
After this, a compute pass is ran computing the lighting of all transparent objects (obj_index == 0 means nothing to do). Light is written as a rgba16f g-buffer. To accelerate the lookups in the next pass, the compute shader will also write for every pixel an u32 containing the following neighbouring info:
Table containing 3 bits values:
x - 2 | x | x + 2 |
00 - 02 | 03 - 05 | 06 - 08 |
09 - 11 | 12 - 14 | 15 - 17 |
18 - 20 | 21 - 23 | 24 - 26 |
each 3 bits values represents:
0x7: No neighbour
x | x + 1 |
0 | 1 |
2 | 3 |
Finally, a second alpha pass is ran again from back to front. For shaded objects, lighting information is searched across the surrounding 36 pixels for objects that match it, then interpolated and multiplied by the albedo.
The algorithm would look somehow like this:
uvec2 base_lookup = gl_fragCoord.xy & (~uvec2(1,1));
uvec2 light_pos = uvec2(0xFFFF,0xFFFF);
for(uint i = 0 ; i < 4; i++) {
uvec2 lookup_pos = base_lookup + uvec2(i&1,(i>>1)&1);
uint obj_id = texelFetch(obj_id_metal_roughness_tex,lookup_pos).x;
if ((obj_id & OBJ_ID_MASK) == current_obj_id) {
light_pos = lookup_pos;
if (light_pos == uvec2(0xFFFF,0xFFFF)) {
discard; // could not find any info to lookup, discard pixel.
uint neighbour_positions = vec4(texelFetch(neighbours,light_pos).rgb,1.0);
vec4 light_accum = vec4(0,0,0,1);
ivec2 neighbour_base = ivec2(base_lookup) - ivec2(1,1);
for(int i=0;i<9;i++) {
uint neighbour = (neighbour_positions >> (i*3))&0x7;
if (neighbour == 0x7) {
ivec2 neighbour_ofs = neighbour_base;
neighbour_ofs.x += (i % 3) * 2 + (neighbour&1)
neighbour_ofs.y += (i / 3) * 2 + (neighbour>>1);
float gauss = gauss_map(length(vec2(neighbour_ofs - gl_fragCoord.xy))); // Use some gauss curve based on distance to pixel.
light_accum += vec4(texelFetch(alpha_light,neighbour_ofs).rgb,gauss);
vec3 light = light_accum.rgb / light_accum.a;
light *= albedo;
// Store light with alpha blending.
I initially wanted not to respond because we're talking past each other.
However I've seen some some comments and content from some people that make me concerned that they think I'm dunking on Reduz the person as opposed to this occlusion culling idea (and the choice of GBuffer Deferred where you have a choice Forward+ or VisBuffer), and/or take it as a license to to do so themselves.
After the vblanco incident, I was curious if you'd take and process sound criticism, especially if it was abrasively formed on purpose.
To reiterate let me summarize the points:
TL;DR All the technical choices outlined above make sense in some situations only you know or have a reasons to presume are the common case, except for this depth reprojection occlusion culling.
To anyone who thinks I wholesale dismiss this design or Reduz' skills in Graphics/Vulkan programming - read the thread again.
I especially commend the "no shadowmapping" and Bindless decisions.