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Created October 8, 2015 10:48
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CHClanChat -> NerdClanChat Migration Script
@result = query("clanchatexport", "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='clanchat_channels'")
if (array_size(@result) > 0) {
msg("Existing export tables found. Deleting.")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "DROP TABLE clanchat_bulletins;")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "DROP TABLE clanchat_channels;")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "DROP TABLE clanchat_invites;")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "DROP TABLE clanchat_members;")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "DROP TABLE clanchat_playermeta;")
msg("Creating tables")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "CREATE TABLE `clanchat_bulletins` (`id` integer, `channel` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `message` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id));")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "CREATE TABLE `clanchat_channels` (`id` integer, `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `owner` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `color` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `text_color` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `alert_color` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `pub` integer(1), `secret` integer(1), PRIMARY KEY(id));")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "CREATE TABLE `clanchat_invites` (`id` integer, `channel` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `uuid` varchar(255) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id));")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "CREATE TABLE `clanchat_members` (`id` integer, `channel` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `uuid` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255), `manager` integer(1), `subscribed` integer(1), PRIMARY KEY(id));")
@result = query("clanchatexport", "CREATE TABLE `clanchat_playermeta` (`id` integer, `uuid` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(255), `last_received` varchar(255), `default_channel` varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY(id));")
proc(_chce_reformat_uuid, @uuid,
@one = substr(@uuid, 0, 8)
@two = substr(@uuid, 8, 12)
@three = substr(@uuid, 12, 16)
@four = substr(@uuid, 16, 20)
@five = substr(@uuid, 20)
@str = @one . '-' . @two . '-' . @three . '-' . @four . '-' . @five
proc(_cc_get_channel_info, @channel,
@channel = to_lower(@channel)
@channelInfo = _cc_get_value('clanchat.channels.'.@channel, null)
if(@channelInfo == null){
die(color(RED).'The channel "'.@channel.'" doesn\'t exist')
} else {
@keys = array_keys(@channelInfo);
if(!array_contains(@keys, 'flags')) {
@channelInfo['flags'] = array(
public: false,
secret: false
if(!array_contains(@keys, 'bulletins')) {
@channelInfo['bulletins'] = array()
if(!array_contains(@keys, 'textcolor')) {
@channelInfo['textcolor'] = GRAY
if(!array_contains(@keys, 'alertcolor')) {
@channelInfo['alertcolor'] = GRAY
@uniqueMembers = array_unique(@channelInfo['members']);
if (array_size(@uniqueMembers) != array_size(@channelInfo['members'])) {
@channelInfo['members'] = array_unique(@channelInfo['members'])
_cc_save_channel_info(@channel, @channelInfo)
msg("Exporting channel data. This may take awhile.")
@channels = _cc_get_value('clanchat.channels', array())
foreach(@channels, @channel,
@info = _cc_get_channel_info(@channel)
@pub = 0
@sec = 0
if (@info['flags']['public'] == true) { @pub = 1 }
if (@info['flags']['secret'] == true) { @sec = 1 }
@owner = _chce_reformat_uuid(@info['owner'])
@result = query("clanchatexport", "INSERT INTO `clanchat_channels` (name, owner, color, text_color, alert_color, pub, secret) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", @channel, @owner, @info['color'], @info['textcolor'], @info['alertcolor'], @pub, @sec)
_chce_export_channel_bulletins(@channel, @info['bulletins'])
_chce_export_channel_members(@channel, @info)
proc(_chce_export_channel_bulletins, @channel, @bulletins,
foreach(@bulletins, @bulletin,
@result = query("clanchatexport", "INSERT INTO `clanchat_bulletins` (channel, message) VALUES(?, ?);", @channel, @bulletin)
proc(_chce_export_channel_members, @channel, @info,
@managers = @info['managers']
foreach(@info['members'], @member,
@is_manager = 0;
if (array_contains(@managers, @member)) { @is_manager = 1 }
@name = _get_username_from_uuid(@member)
@uuid = _chce_reformat_uuid(@member)
@result = query("clanchatexport", "INSERT INTO `clanchat_members` (channel, uuid, name, manager, subscribed) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", @channel, @uuid, @name, @is_manager, 1)
nerdch.level.admin:/exportclanchat = >>>
msg("Starting export process.")
msg("Export done!")
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