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Last active June 10, 2022 18:24
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Better Codable structs with @PropertyWrappers. All credits to:
import Foundation
/// Provides a default value for missing `Decodable` data.
/// `DefaultCodableStrategy` provides a generic strategy type that the `DefaultCodable` property wrapper can use to provide a reasonable default value for missing Decodable data.
public protocol DefaultCodableStrategy {
associatedtype RawValue: Codable
static var defaultValue: RawValue { get }
/// Decodes values with a reasonable default value
/// `@Defaultable` attempts to decode a value and falls back to a default type provided by the generic `DefaultCodableStrategy`.
public struct DefaultCodable<Default: DefaultCodableStrategy>: Codable {
public var wrappedValue: Default.RawValue
public init(wrappedValue: Default.RawValue) {
self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
self.wrappedValue = (try? container.decode(Default.RawValue.self)) ?? Default.defaultValue
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try wrappedValue.encode(to: encoder)
extension DefaultCodable: Equatable where Default.RawValue: Equatable { }
extension DefaultCodable: Hashable where Default.RawValue: Hashable { }
// MARK: - KeyedDecodingContainer
public extension KeyedDecodingContainer {
/// Default implementation of decoding a DefaultCodable
/// Decodes successfully if key is available if not fallsback to the default value provided.
func decode<P>(_: DefaultCodable<P>.Type, forKey key: Key) throws -> DefaultCodable<P> {
if let value = try decodeIfPresent(DefaultCodable<P>.self, forKey: key) {
return value
} else {
return DefaultCodable(wrappedValue: P.defaultValue)
/// Default implementation of decoding a DefaultArraySorted
/// Decodes successfully if key is available if not fallsback to the default value provided.
func decode<P>(_: DefaultArraySorted<P>.Type, forKey key: Key) throws -> DefaultArraySorted<P> {
if let value = try decodeIfPresent(DefaultArraySorted<P>.self, forKey: key) {
return value
} else {
return DefaultArraySorted(wrappedValue: [])
// MARK: - Default Wrappers
// MARK: Int
struct DefaultIntStrategy: DefaultCodableStrategy {
static var defaultValue: Int { return 0 }
typealias DefaultInt = DefaultCodable<DefaultIntStrategy>
// MARK: Double
struct DefaultDoubleStrategy: DefaultCodableStrategy {
static var defaultValue: Double { return 0.0 }
typealias DefaultDouble = DefaultCodable<DefaultDoubleStrategy>
// MARK: String
struct DefaultStringStrategy: DefaultCodableStrategy {
static var defaultValue: String { return "" }
typealias DefaultString = DefaultCodable<DefaultStringStrategy>
// MARK: Array
public struct DefaultEmptyArrayStrategy<T: Codable>: DefaultCodableStrategy {
public static var defaultValue: [T] { return [] }
/// Decodes Arrays returning an empty array instead of nil if appicable
/// `@DefaultEmptyArray` decodes Arrays and returns an empty array instead of nil if the Decoder is unable to decode the container.
public typealias DefaultEmptyArray<T> = DefaultCodable<DefaultEmptyArrayStrategy<T>> where T: Codable
// MARK: Bool
struct DefaultFalseStrategy: DefaultCodableStrategy {
static var defaultValue: Bool { return false }
/// Decodes Bools defaulting to `false` if applicable
/// `@DefaultFalse` decodes Bools and defaults the value to false if the Decoder is unable to decode the value.
typealias DefaultFalse = DefaultCodable<DefaultFalseStrategy>
public struct DefaultArraySorted<Value: Codable & Comparable>: Codable {
public var wrappedValue: [Value] {
didSet {
if let comparator = comparator {
wrappedValue.sort(by: comparator)
public typealias Comparator = (Value, Value) -> Bool
private let comparator: Comparator?
public init(wrappedValue: [Value]) {
self.wrappedValue = wrappedValue
self.comparator = { $0 < $1 }
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
self.wrappedValue = (try? container.decode([Value].self)) ?? [Value]()
self.comparator = { $0 < $1 }
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try wrappedValue.encode(to: encoder)
extension DefaultArraySorted: Equatable where Value: Equatable {
public static func == (lhs: DefaultArraySorted<Value>, rhs: DefaultArraySorted<Value>) -> Bool {
return lhs.wrappedValue == rhs.wrappedValue
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reeichert commented Apr 7, 2020

Model structure

// MARK: - Model
struct Routes: Codable {
    @DefaultString var status: String // Will be "" if null
    @DefaultInt var routeId: Int // Will be 0 if null
    @DefaultEmptyArray var data: [String] // will be empty if null

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