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Last active March 4, 2016 14:15
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Google Serp
// Partner API created fields. These are generated by us. Are not releated to the serp, but are relevant to the request, your account and the system in general
"get_count": 1, // your current get count, unrelated to the serp
"_id": "535a94b520b8fd64af000014", // authoritylabs id
"rank_date": "2014-04-25", // date crawl was requested
"requested_at": "2014-04-25T16:57:11+00:00", // timestamp of the request
"s3_key": "", // if using s3 to store a copy this is the key for your bucket
"data_center": "us", // requested data center (this option is no longer available)
//POST specific data. These are the attributes you sent with the post (or the defaults if none are sent in)
"keyword": "google plus", // keyword
"engine": "google", // engine
"locale": "en-us", // locale - country level
"mobile": "false", // was this a mobile serp - true or false
"geo": "", // geo location for the search - typically a city or zip code
"safe_search": "on", // safe search level - indicates whether safe search was enabled (default) or not.
"autocorrect": "", // allow google to auto correct or not
"pages_from": "false", // pulls results that only include pages from the specified locale that is set - default is false - true or false
"lang_only": "false", // pulls results that are only for the language specified with the locale - default is false - true or false
"ppl_id": "", // Google+ author ID can be passed in to limit results to the specified author
// High Level Details about was was found in the serp and on the page in general.
"ppl_id_author": "", // author name of user requested ppl_id
"suggested_search": false, // did google suggest a different search
"micro_format": true, // were microformats found on the serp (such as ratings)
"video": true, // was a video result found on the serp
"total_number_of_results": 6370000000, // number of results google says it has for the keyword specified
"invalid_term": false, // was the requested term a bad keyword (i.e. 'No results found')
"auto_corrected_to": "", // if google auto corrected the term what did they correct it to
"shopping": false, // were shopping results found in the serp
"video_packs": [], // ids of the serp hash key that contains video packs
"integrated_places": false, // notes that places results were found that are integrated into the organic results - not as part of a standard places pack
"blog_posts": false, // were blog results found in the serp (typically false)
"news": true, // was a news result found in the serp
"image_packs": [ ], // ids of the serp hash key that contains image packs
"maps": false, // was a map/places pack found on the serp
"ad_count": 1, // number of ads found in the serp
"image": false, // was an image pack found in the serp
"suggested_search_spelling": "", // if google suggested a different search, what was it
"auto_corrected": false, // was the keyword auto corrected by google
"brand_pack": true, // was a brand pack found on the serp
//top and side ads and their details
"ads": {
"1": { // ad position on the page
"destination_url": "", // the actual URL destination of the ad
"dirty_destination_url": "/aclk?sa=l&ai=C8hMijpRaU-HWCLLQsQeLrIHIBann9rcEsbahuZoBqdajigwIABABUP-24_oGYMnOh4mIpIQQoAHv7KnRA8gBAaoEH0_Qh-TiKPTF6w-cvzQevP35o-pJ1LW7Hef8SuJWLWyAB_mS1i6QBwE&sig=AOD64_31I1Sd36s2TbW-KzNXgw5OsCij8Q&adurl=", // ad URL with query string/tracking from Google
"headline": "Google+", // headline displayed on the served ad in this position
"description": "Join and discover easy sharing, group video chat & more. Try now!", // text of the ad displayed in this position
"ad_location": "top_ad", // location of the ad on the page - top_ad (above the SERPs) or side_ad (right of the SERPs)
"display_url": "" // url displayed on the ad that is visible to users
//actual serp results
"serp": {
"1": { // position in the organic search results
"title": "Google+", // clickable title displayed by the search engines
"micro_format": false, // does the listing in this position contain microformats
"video": false, // does the the listing in this position contain videos
"description": "One Google Account for everything Google. Google; Privacy & Terms · Help. Change language. ‪Afrikaans‬, ‪azərbaycan‬, ‪Bahasa Indonesia‬, ‪Bahasa Melayu‬ ...", // Description displayed by search engines for the result in this position
"shopping": false, // does the listing in this position contain shopping results
"indented": 0, // was the listing indented (this is a very old layout that is not seen much anymore)
"authorship": false, // was authorship information found in the listing in this position
"news": false, // was the result in this position a news listing
"blog_posts": false, // was this a blog post listing (not common)
"page": 1, // what page of the search results is this on
"base_domain": "", // root domain of the result displayed in this position
"real_time": false, // was this a realtime listing (not common/deprecated)
"maps": false, // was the result in this position a maps listing
"image": false, // was the result in this position an image listing
"href": "", // url of the destination page
"url": "", // url displayed in the SERPs
"dirty_url": "/url?q=", // tracked URL from the serps
"base_url": "", // base url of the listing in this position (not including the full path)
// brand pack details if one was found, otherwise empty hash
"brand_pack_results": {
"1": {
"title": "Google Photos",
"description": "Share photos, send messages, and stay in touch with the ...",
"dirty_url": "/url?q=",
"url": ""
"2": {
"title": "Google Communities",
"description": "Google+ is a place to connect with friends and family, and explore ...",
"dirty_url": "/url?q=",
"url": ""
// local pack details if found, otherwise empty hash
"local_pack": {
"A": { // letter position of this result within the local pack
"address": "3353 Main St",
"title": "3 Olives Pizza and Deli",
"phone": "(919) 553-3353",
"places_page": "", // url to Google places page of this result
"url": "", // url shown for company listed in places pack
"dirty_url": "/url?q=", // tracked URL from Google
"reviews": 1 // number of reviews indicated on the listing
// video pack results if found, otherwise empty hash
"video_pack_results": {
"1": {
"title": "",
"url": "",
"dirty_url": "",
"runtime": "", // video length
"subtitle": "",
"also_on": ""
// place details if a places listing
"place_details": {
"place_url": "", // url shown for company listed in the places listing
"address": "123 Main Street",
"phone": "(919) 553-3353",
"stars": "N/A", // star rating of the listed company
"letter": "A", // letter position within the overall search results for this places listing
"directories": [ // array of directories the place is listed in
"directory_url": "",
"number_of_reviews": 7, // number of reviews indicated for this directory
"directory_name": "Restaurants"
// place pack details (now the same as local_pack_details), otherwise empty hash
"place_pack": {
"A": { // letter position within the overall search results for this places listing
"address": "3353 Main St",
"title": "3 Olives Pizza and Deli",
"phone": "(919) 553-3353",
"places_page": "", // url to Google places page of this result
"url": "", // url shown for company listed in places pack
"dirty_url": "/url?q=", // tracked URL from Google
"reviews": 1 // number of reviews indicated on the listing
// image pack details if found, otherwise empty array
"image_pack_results": [
"dirty_url": "/url?q=", // Google's tracked URL for this image
"url": "" // url of the page that the image is located on
"dirty_url": "/url?q=", // Google's tracked URL for this image
"url": "" // url of the page that the image is located on
// authorship details if found, otherwise empty hash
"authorship_details": {
"name": "Mike Benner", // author's name as listed on their Google+ page
"circles": "", // number of circles that the author is in
"profile_url": "" // url of the author's Google+ page
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