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Last active February 10, 2023 08:48
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  • Save regebro/bcd8b4002b6cbf77dd89 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save regebro/bcd8b4002b6cbf77dd89 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script that checks that the wifi is working, that the LAN is working and if the internet is working. Good for logging ISP problems.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime
from urllib import request, error
from subprocess import check_output, CalledProcessError
from io import StringIO
from time import tzname, localtime
import socket
LOCAL_NET_URLS = {'r': '',
INTERNET_URLS = {'g': '',
'w': '',
'o': '',
'r': '',
# Is the network connected?
def check_network_connected():
result = check_output(['nmcli', 'g'])
return b'State: connected' in result
def check_url_python(url):
"""Quick check to see that the internet connection is up.
Just makes sure we can reach the URL in question.
Good for checking that the modem really is connected."""
result = request.urlopen(url, timeout=5)
return result.status >= 200 < 300
except error.HTTPError as e:
if e.code == 401:
# A login redirect, that means it works.
return True
except (error.URLError, socket.error):
return False
def check_url_wget(url):
"""Get the whole web page with resources.
This checks that the site is practically loadable within a reasonable time.
Good for when the internet connection is up, but the service is unrealiable,
prone to load errors, or routing errors."""
check_output(['wget', '-q', '-p', '-e', 'robots=off', '--timeout=15', '-P', '/tmp/ispstatus', '--no-cache', url])
return True
except CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode in [0, 8]:
return True
return False
check_url = check_url_python
def check_local_area_network():
"""Check that the LAN is up"""
for k, v in LOCAL_NET_URLS.items():
yield k, check_url(v)
def check_internet():
"""Check that the WAN is up"""
for k, v in INTERNET_URLS.items():
yield k, check_url(v)
if __name__ == '__main__':
tz = tzname[localtime().tm_isdst]
time ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') + ' ' + tz
#wifi = check_network_connected()
lan = dict(check_local_area_network())
internet = dict(check_internet())
wifi_status = ''
#wifi_status = 'wifi: OK ' if wifi else 'wifi: DOWN'
lan_status = 'lan: OK ' if any(lan.values()) else 'lan: DOWN'
ext_lan_status = '(%s)' % ''.join(sorted(k.upper() if v else k.lower() for k,v in lan.items()))
internet_status = 'internet: OK ' if all(internet.values()) else 'internet: DOWN'
ext_internet_status = '(%s)' % ''.join(sorted(k.upper() if v else k.lower() for k,v in internet.items()))
print(time, wifi_status, lan_status, ext_lan_status, internet_status, ext_internet_status)
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