I am trying to find a way that a resolver can essentially return another resolver using nest.js for creating Resolvers, and type-graphql to create object types.
Here's an example with the star-wars graphql api
allVehicles(first: 1, last: 100) {
vehicles {
filmConnection(first: 1, last: 100) {
films {
characterConnection(first: 1, last: 100) {
characters {
As you can see above the vehicles
type returns a filmConnection
which allows you to pass in arguments. In type-graphql, would this be apart of the @ObjectType
would it be defined in the @Resolver
? Or does it need to be defined in some other way?
I set up an example of a couple of nested objects.
Which should look something like this as a query:
Note there are no arguments to these types, that could be optional, but I'd like the resolvers to pass along parent information.
human {
head {
eyes {
body {
Here are the @ObjectTypes
class Eyes {
@Field(type => String)
color: string
class Head {
@Field(type => Eyes, { nullable: true })
eyes?: Eyes
class Body {
@Field(type => String)
neck: string
class Human {
@Field(type => String, { nullable: true })
name: string
@Field(type => Head, { nullable: true })
head?: Head
@Field(type => Body, { nullable: true })
body?: Body
@Resolver(type => Human)
export class HumanResolver {
@Query(type => Human)
human(): Human {
return { name: 'Greg' }
@Resolver(type => Head)
export class HeadResovler {
@Query(type => Head)
head(): Head {
return {}
@Resolver(type => Body)
export class BodyResolver {
@Query(type => Body)
body(): Body {
return { neck: '102' }
@Resolver(type => Eyes)
export class EyesResolver {
@Query(type => Eyes)
eyes(): Eyes {
return { color: 'brown' }
Here's another way to do it possibly, with one top level resovler and the rest are properties.
@Resolver(type => Human)
export class BeingResolver {
@Query(type => Human)
human(): Human {
return { name: 'Greg' }
@ResolveProperty(type => Head)
head(): Head {
return {}
@ResolveProperty(type => Body)
body(): Body {
return { neck: '102' }
@ResolveProperty(type => Eyes)
eyes(): Eyes {
return { color: 'brown' }
The main issue I see here is that @ResolveProperty
only goes one level deep.
Here's a working example: