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regilero regilero

  • Makina Corpus
  • Nantes, France
View GitHub Profile

Gros indexs

Peut être un bug dans celle là...

   stats.relname as table,
   stats.indexrelname as index,
   idx.indisprimary as primary,
   idx.indisunique as unique,
regilero / docker-compose.yml
Created June 17, 2021 08:53
docker-compose stack for security courses
version: '3'
# Fichier docker-compose.yml
# TP Sécurité Web
# --------------
# * DVWA: Damn Vulnerable Web Application (apache/php5.6/MySQL)
# * Varnish: Serveur Reverse Proxy mis en place devant Nodegoat
# * NodeGoat: Application NodeJs+MongoDb Vulnerable
# local |docker-compose, réseau interne
# |
regilero / proutprout_names_generator.sql
Last active March 19, 2020 12:44
hoity-toity french names generator in pure postgreSQL single query
SELECT concat('Marie-', string_agg(x,'-')) as name_first_female
select start_arr[ 1 + ( (random() * 100)::int) % 32 ]
select '{Claude,Thérèse,Géraldine,Sylvie,Sophie,Solange,Vivianne,Cunégonde,Albertine,Charlotte,Caroline,Célestine,Bérangère,Sylvianne,Alphonsine,Claire,Françoise,Chantal,Geneviève,Christine,Louise,Adeline,Céleste,Angélique,Clothilde,Jeanne,Pierre,Valentine,Paule,Noëlle,Lise,Cécile}'::text[] as start_arr
regilero / nginx.conf
Last active February 26, 2021 12:22 — forked from thoop/nginx.conf
Altered nginx.conf for nginx
# Change YOUR_TOKEN to your prerender token and uncomment that line if you want to cache urls and view crawl stats
# Change (server_name) to your website url
# Change /path/to/your/root to the correct value
# Generate $prerender_ua bool value based on user agent
# indexation bots will get this as 1,
# prerender user agent will always get 0 (avoid loops)
map $http_user_agent $prerender_ua {
default 0;
regilero /
Last active September 1, 2016 13:01
DNS replacement script in SQL dumps containing (also) PHP serialized strings.This script use bash and perl' perl is used to increment serialized string length while performing DNS replacement It also use sed for other basic DNS replacements
# Licensed under GNU GPL v3 #
# [email protected] #
# #
# DNS replacement scrpit in SQL dumps containing (also) PHP #
# serialized strings. #
# This script use bash and perl' perl is used to increment #
# serialized string length while performing DNS replacement #
# It also use sed for other basic DNS replacements #