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Last active October 15, 2017 07:52
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SPARQL query to retrieve and display IIIF image annotations (created with Mirador and SimpleAnnotationServer, stored in Sesame). See
PREFIX exif: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX cnt: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX sc: <>
PREFIX sc1: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX oa: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX iiif: <>
PREFIX dctypes: <>
PREFIX doap: <>
PREFIX svcs: <>
SELECT DISTINCT ?anno ?canvas ?content ?fragment ?datecreated ?datemodified ?tag ?manifest ?manifestLabel ?canvasLabel ?attribution ?iiifurl ?iiifprofile
?anno rdf:type oa:Annotation .
GRAPH ?anno {
?anno oa:hasBody ?body ;
oa:hasTarget ?target ;
dcterms:created ?datecreated .
?anno dcterms:modified ?datemodified .
?anno oa:hasBody ?tagBody .
?tagBody rdf:type oa:Tag ;
cnt:chars ?tag .
?body cnt:chars ?content ;
rdf:type dctypes:Text .
?target oa:hasSource ?canvas ;
oa:hasSelector ?selector .
OPTIONAL { ?target dcterms:isPartOf ?manifest .}
?selector oa:default ?default .
?default rdf:value ?fragment .
} .
GRAPH ?manifest {
?manifest rdfs:label ?manifestLabel .
OPTIONAL { ?manifest sc:attributionLabel ?attribution .}
?canvas rdfs:label ?canvasLabel .
?imageAnno oa:hasTarget ?canvas ;
oa:hasBody ?image .
{ ?image svcs:has_service ?iiifurl } UNION { ?image sc1:hasRelatedService ?iiifurl }
{ ?iiifurl dcterms:conformsTo ?iiifprofile } UNION { ?iiifurl doap:implements ?iiifprofile }
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