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Created May 17, 2020 19:15
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import { Parser } from "json2csv";
const csv = require("csvtojson");
const fs = require("fs").promises;
import { Config as MssqlConfig, execute } from "lesstedious";
export type Dsl<A> = () => Promise<Array<A>>;
export const union = <A>(x: Dsl<A>, y: Dsl<A>): Dsl<A> => async () => {
const [x2, y2] = await Promise.all([x(), y()]);
return [...x2, ...y2];
export const map = <A, B>(dsl: Dsl<A>, mapper: (a: A) => B): Dsl<B> => () =>
dsl().then((x) =>;
export const filter = <A>(dsl: Dsl<A>, pred: (a: A) => boolean): Dsl<A> => () =>
dsl().then((x) => x.filter(pred));
type Join<A, B> = {
a: A;
b: B;
export const join = <A, B>(
x: Dsl<A>,
y: Dsl<B>,
on: (a: A, b: B) => boolean
): Dsl<Join<A, B>> => async () => {
const [as, bs] = await Promise.all([x(), y()]);
return as.reduce((p, c) => {
const matches = bs.filter((b2) => on(c, b2));
if (matches.length > 0) {
return [...p, => ({ a: c, b: match }))];
} else {
return p;
}, []);
export const leftJoin = <A, B>(
x: Dsl<A>,
y: Dsl<B>,
on: (a: A, b: B) => boolean
): Dsl<Join<A, B | undefined>> => async () => {
const [as, bs] = await Promise.all([x(), y()]);
return as.reduce((p, c) => {
const matches = bs.filter((b2) => on(c, b2));
if (matches.length > 0) {
return [...p, => ({ a: c, b: match }))];
} else {
return [...p, { a: c, b: undefined }];
}, []);
export const toCsv = <A>(dsl: Dsl<A>, path: string): Dsl<A> => async () => {
const json2csvParser = new Parser();
const data = await dsl();
const csvData = json2csvParser.parse(data);
await fs.writeFile(path, csvData);
return data;
export const fromCsv = <A>(path: string): Dsl<A> => () => csv().fromFile(path);
export const fromJson = <A>(as: A[]): Dsl<A> => () => Promise.resolve(as);
export const fromSql = <A>(config: MssqlConfig, query: string): Dsl<A> => () =>
execute(config, { sql: query });
import * as D from "./data";
type Ride = {
id: number;
f_users_id: number;
description: string;
const getRides: D.Dsl<Ride> = D.fromSql<Ride>(
"select id, f_users_id, description from Rides"
type Rider = {
id: number;
name: string;
const getRiders: D.Dsl<Rider> = D.fromCsv("./riders.csv");
const getRidesWithRiders = D.leftJoin(
(ride, rider) => ride.f_users_id ==
const finalRides =, (x) => ({
description: x.a.description,
rider: x.b ? : undefined,
const pipeline = D.toCsv(finalRides, "./finalRides.csv");
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