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Created August 19, 2015 14:32
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package ch.ethz.dalab.dissolve.examples.neighbourhood
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.Set
import cc.factorie.util.{DoubleSeq, RangeIntSeq, SparseDoubleSeq}
import scala.collection.mutable
import cc.factorie.variable._
import cc.factorie.model._
import cc.factorie.maths
import cc.factorie.infer._
* @author mort
class MaximizeByBPLoopy_rw(numIterations:Int=10) extends MaximizeByBP with Serializable{
def inferLoopyMax(summary: BPSummary): Unit = {
for (iter <- 0 to numIterations) { // TODO Make a more clever convergence detection
for (bpf <- summary.bpFactors) {
for (e <- bpf.edges) e.bpVariable.updateOutgoing(e) // get all the incoming messages
for (e <- bpf.edges) e.bpFactor.updateOutgoing(e) // send messages
val assignment = summary.maximizingAssignment
new MAPSummary(assignment, summary.factors.get.toVector)
def infer(variables:Iterable[DiscreteVar], model:Model, marginalizing:Summary=null) = {
if (marginalizing ne null) throw new Error("Marginalizing case not yet implemented.")
val summary = LoopyBPSummaryMaxProduct(variables, BPMaxProductRing, model)
def apply(varying:Set[DiscreteVar], model:Model): BPSummary = {
val summary = LoopyBPSummaryMaxProduct(varying, BPMaxProductRing, model)
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