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Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
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Compact sparse matrix
#! /usr/bin/python
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import csv
import argparse
import numpy
import numpy.linalg
import numpy.random
import scipy.spatial
# Parse command line arguments
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Nuclear Segmentation with Fiji")
args = parser.parse_args()
objectListFile = args.input_csv
# Read objects
reader = csv.reader(open(objectListFile))
voxels = []
for index, line in enumerate(reader):
if index > 0:
voxel = {}
voxel['coords'] = numpy.array([[line[1], line[2], line[3]]])
voxel['volume'] = line[4]
voxel['values'] = numpy.array([[line[5], line[7]]])
voxel['neighs'] = numpy.full((3, 3), -1, dtype=int)
voxel['neighs'][1, 1] = index - 1
# Create coordinate matrix and object list
matrix = numpy.empty([len(voxels), 2])
list = numpy.arange(len(voxels))
for index in range(0, len(voxels)):
matrix[index] = voxels[index]['coords'][0, 0:2:1]
# Compute distances
tree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(matrix)
distances, neighbors = tree.query(matrix, k=25)
worklist = list.copy()
### Check if neighbor's spot is free
def can_reference(x, y, item, neigh, voxels):
x1 = x + 1
y1 = y + 1
x2 = -x + 1
y2 = -y + 1
if voxels[item]['neighs'][x1, y1] != -1 \
and voxels[item]['neighs'][x1, y1] != neigh:
return False
if voxels[neigh]['neighs'][x2, y2] != -1 \
and voxels[neigh]['neighs'][x2, y2] != item:
return False
return True
### Check if neighbor's neighbors conflict with item's neighbors
def can_merge(Cx, Cy, item, neigh, voxels):
updates = []
for Dx in range(Cx - 1, Cx + 2):
for Dy in range(Cy - 1, Cy + 2):
if Dx in range(-1,2) and Dy in range(-1,2) \
and not (Dx == 0 and Dy == 0) \
and not (Dx == Cx and Dy == Cy):
current = voxels[item]['neighs'][Dx + 1, Dy + 1]
if current != -1:
Zx = -Dx + Cx
Zy = -Dy + Cy
if can_reference(Zx, Zy, current, neigh, voxels):
it = {}
it['x'] = Zx
it['y'] = Zy
it['item'] = current
it['neigh'] = neigh
return False
return updates
### Reference this neighbor
def reference_neighbor(x, y, item, neigh, voxels):
x1 = x + 1
y1 = y + 1
x2 = -x + 1
y2 = -y + 1
voxels[item]['neighs'][x1, y1] = neigh
voxels[neigh]['neighs'][x2, y2] = item
### Adopt neighbor's neighbors as our own
def update_references(items, voxels):
for item in items:
reference_neighbor(item['x'], item['y'], \
item['item'], item['neigh'], voxels)
for item in worklist:
neigh_count = 0
for nord in range(1, 25):
if (neigh_count == 8):
neigh = neighbors[item][nord]
A = matrix[item]
B = matrix[neigh]
BA = B - A
C = (numpy.round(BA / numpy.linalg.norm(BA))).astype(int)
Cx = C[0]
Cy = C[1]
if can_reference(Cx, Cy, item, neigh, voxels):
refs_item = can_merge(Cx, Cy, item, neigh, voxels)
refs_neigh = can_merge(-Cx, -Cy, neigh, item, voxels)
if refs_item != False and refs_neigh != False:
reference_neighbor(Cx, Cy, item, neigh, voxels)
update_references(refs_item, voxels)
update_references(refs_neigh, voxels)
neigh_count = neigh_count + 1
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